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World War Z

Gestartet: 22 Juli 2010 08:00 - 780 Antworten

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Geschrieben: 08 Sep 2011 09:34


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Habe ich auch gerade entdeckt und so verstörend find ich das ehrlich gesagt nicht;)

Bin mal gespannt, wie es im fertigen Film wirken wird.

So für sich betrachtet haut mich die Szene aber erstmal nicht vom Hocker...
Geschrieben: 09 Sep 2011 09:03


Avatar ericdraven9982

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A few weeks ago I interviewed Bryan Cranston for Breaking Bad, and at the time, he told me something I thought had already been reported: that he won’t be appearing in Marc Forster’s zombie epic, World War Z.

IMBD had him listed and it was reported virtually everywhere that Cranston would have a small role in the film. Sadly, those reports are wrong.

I talked to the Breaking Bad star a few days before speaking with Forster, so naturally, I asked how that collaborating was going. As Cranston pointed out, it’s not going, and for understandable reasons:

“I didn’t work with Marc Forster. I was supposed to, but scheduling got in the way, so I’m not able to. I regretted the omission. I sent him an email, wished him well, and said I was sad it didn’t workout. You know, on some other project we’ll hopefully — will you please tell him I said hello? And tell him the zombies are coming to get him.”

Of course I told Marc Foster that the zombies were going to get him — and like Cranston — he was disappointed the actor won’t be a part of the film. It’s a real shame Cranston isn’t in WWZ, because it would have been cool to see him fighting off some brutal, fast-moving zombies


Geschrieben: 15 Sep 2011 16:18


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"The one thing, which a lot of people will have discussions over, is the movement of the zombies and how the zombies will move. In Max Brooks' book they move in the George A. Romero fashion. I feel like we have a little bit of a different approach, but it doesn't exclude that they might not eventually be fashioned how George A. Romero's zombies move. It's just a little bit of a different approach. I think that will probably be the biggest discussion there will be."


Geschrieben: 16 Sep 2011 08:44


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"I was really intrigued by the book," Forster told MTV News at the Toronto International Film Festival while promoting his drama, "Machine Gun Preacher." "I always wanted to work with [Pitt]. I think he is an incredible actor and he is an inspiring collaborator. If you look at his filmography, he has incredibly good taste. The choices he makes — he's very smart about it."


Geschrieben: 18 Sep 2011 18:08


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Die Dreharbeiten von World War Z finden in den nächsten Tagen in London statt. Das gab das Filmstudio Paramount Pictures in einer Pressemitteilung bekannt. Die Produktion soll in einer demolierten ehemaligen Wohnsiedlung, dem "Heygate Estate" stattfinden, das derzeit neu aufgebaut wird.

Während der Dreharbeiten sollen auch junge Filmemacher das Set besuchen dürfen.


Geschrieben: 19 Sep 2011 14:02


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Sagma... bekommst du eigentlich Geld dafür, dass du uns hier immer auf dem Laufenden hälst ;)
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Geschrieben: 19 Sep 2011 14:30


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Zitat von flash77
Sagma... bekommst du eigentlich Geld dafür, dass du uns hier immer auf dem Laufenden hälst ;)

Ja, für jedes Satzzeichen werden mir 5 Cent auf mein Girokonto gutgeschrieben! ;) Nein, natürlich nicht! Ich zelebriere die Produktion nur für mich persöhnlich und denke das diverse News auch den ein oder anderen User hier im Forum interessieren könnten. Wem das nicht gefällt braucht 1. in diesen Threat nicht rein schauen oder 2. kann eine Petition gegen mich ins Leben rufen, die mir untersagt die Buchstaben W W Z in dieser Reihenfolge in die Tastatur zu tippen. :rofl:


Geschrieben: 19 Sep 2011 14:34


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Sollte ja auch kein Angriff sein - ich lese hier immer gespannt mit und freue mich schon auf den Film ;) Scheint ja mal wieder ein cooler und vor allem Highbudget Zombie-Film zu werden :D
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Geschrieben: 19 Sep 2011 14:43


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Zitat von ericdraven9982
Die Produktion soll in einer demolierten ehemaligen Wohnsiedlung, dem "Heygate Estate" stattfinden, das derzeit neu aufgebaut wird.

Und so sieht der Komplex aus:

SPOILER! Inhalt einblenden




Geschrieben: 22 Sep 2011 09:45


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FACING zombies or chasing a child killer were in the line of duty for actress Mireille Enos.
Even starring with heart-throb Brad Pitt left her unfazed.
But when Mireille came to Glasgow last month to film World War Z, she met her match - haggis.
Even though co-star Brad's nine-year-old son Maddox tried Scotland's national dish, the red-haired actress - who claims some Scots ancestry - refused to try even a mouthful.
Brad and partner Angelina Jolie had haggis served in their Ayrshire bolthole during their time in Scotland while the actor filmed the zombie thriller.

But the same couldn't be said for Mireille.
She said: "I avoided the haggis.

"I'm a wimp.

"I was scared."
The 35-year-old mum-of-one is married to comedy actor Alan Ruck - star of Ferris Bueller's Day Off and Spin City.

He and their daughter Vesper, who'll be one on Friday, joined her in Glasgow.
She admitted: "My husband was on a campaign for me to try some haggis but I put my foot down.
"It was wonderful to have them with me.

"It made it a family event."
Mireille spent more than a week in Scotland last month starring in the $125million movie.
She plays Karin, the wife of UN employee Gerry Lane, played by Brad Pitt, and the mum of their two kids.
In August, Glasgow's George Square was transformed into Philadelphia with American street signs and cars.
About 2000 local extras were auditioned to play members of the public and zombies.

The film also went to Grangemouth's A905 Wholeflats Road, near the oil refinery, for another scene.
Everywhere the production went, the crowds followed, especially women, who were desperate for a sighting of Brad.
Mireille said: "Yes, he is very popular with the ladies.

"We were shooting on the streets of Glasgow and all the offices and windows were just plastered with ladies hoping to get a glimpse.

"The reception was so warm."
So for all those women who managed to get a wave or just ogled his picture in the Record, what was Brad like?

She said: "He is one of the most generous and lovely people I've ever worked with."
But unlike the Scottish onlookers, Mireille's female friends were not jealous she got to spend so much time up close with Brad.
She said: "My friends are just happy for me.

"It's my first big film.

"They aren't jealous.

"It's sweet."
The American actress, on her first trip to Scotland, gently ribbed our weather.
The film was held up for a day due to sunshine as the scenes were meant to have grey skies - one of the reasons Scotland was chosen as a location.
She said: "No-one expected that to happen.

"Is there a dry season?

"I had such a wonderful time in Glasgow.

"I was mostly working but I would love to come back and have time to look around.
"People have talked about the weather being bad but no-one talked about how beautiful the architecture is.

"We were really charmed by it."
Now she plans a holiday in Scotland to see "the incredible countryside" and is hoping there might be a World War Z II.
She said: "I'm not a fan of zombies but I do love an action movie.
"I've always wanted to do a big action film so it's been really fun.
"Playing a mom of two adorable girls has been a wonderful way to spend the summer."
On Sunday, Mireille missed out on an Emmy for the US version of The Killing, screened on Channel 4.

The lead actress in a drama award instead went to Julianna Margulies for The Good Wife.
Mireille had previously been nominated for a Tony Award for her Broadway performance as Honey in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf.
In the UK, the actress was best known for the polygamy series Big Love, in which she played twins alongside Bill Paxton and Chloe Sevigny.
But The Killing changed all that.

Based on the hit Danish television series, the slow-burning show has been a cult smash on both sides of the Atlantic.
She plays Sarah Linden, a Seattle homicide detective who is investigating the murder of teenager Rosie Larsen.
As well as the hunt for the killer, a secondary storyline sees Sarah battle with whether she will retire early to follow boyfriend Rick (Callum Keith Rennie) to California.
The storyline as Sarah and rookie detective Stephen Holder (Joel Kinnaman) try to unravel what happened to Rosie was all the more harrowing for Mireille, who was pregnant when they shot the pilot.
She had auditioned for the role and hadn't heard anything so when they came to say she had the job she had to tell them she was expecting.
But they still wanted her and she was five months gone when they shot the pilot.
Her daughter was just three months old when they filmed the rest in Canada.
There will be a second series of The Killing starting in November, when Rosie's case will be solved and a new case begun.
To fans, her character Sarah is well known for her range of fishermen's jumpers.
She said: "The truth is I quite like to dress in jeans and a woolly jumper.

"I'm very comfortable in Sarah's clothes."
Mireille suddenly finds herself in demand.

After finishing work on World War Z she will go straight into another film, Gangster Squad, which stars Sean Penn and Ryan Gosling.
At 35, fame has come relatively late but Mireille is happy with the way it's panned out.
She said: "I've had to have a kind of patience, even though I have been doing work that has been really satisfying and ultimately really great.
"But now I feel like I'm here and this show is a great platform for film and other TV work.
"But I am grounded - I have a husband and a baby."
The Killing is out on DVD and Blu-ray on Monday from 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment.


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