Diane Nelson hat es schonmal angedeutet und jetzt hat Geoff Johns
es nochmal klar gemacht: Es wird in absehbarer Zukunft
keinen Justice League Film geben!
Man will sich mehr auf die Charaktere in ihren einzelnen Filmen
Dazu Nelson:
"People make an assumption that we're going to
mirror Marvel's strategy, for example with Avengers,"
Nelson told us. "We do have a very different attitude about how you
build a content slate. And it isn't necessarily about connecting
those properties together to build into a single thing. We think
we've got great stories and characters that will lend themselves to
great standalone experiences, and that's the way we're focusing on
Und Johns:
"I'm going to speak frankly: I think our
characters are bigger than Marvel's." He said that he'd rather
spend time building each character on his or her own rather than
"smash[ing] them together."
Der Kommentar des Artikels hat auch eine ziemlich gute Meinung dazu
der ich auch zustimme:
I understand that Johns statement can come off
as being arrogant, I think he’s right in the sense that DC needs to
first build these films based on the characters and maybe later on
in the sequels talk about crossover possibilities. I know that’s
not what the fanboys want to hear, but it’s the most logical way to
handle things from a pure storytelling perspective.
One of the biggest complaints of Iron Man 2 was that it seemed to
be mostly a set-up/prequel for The Avengers. And rumors have
circulated that even director Jon Favreau was a little ticked off
at just how much Avengers pre-build was packed into his superhero
sequel. I love the idea of what Marvel is hoping to do with
crossovers and connected storylines, but so far I feel like it’s
been nothing more than a gimmick. I support the concept, and can’t
wait until the day when we have a summer of superhero movies which
are somehow linked within the same universe. But right now it’s
just fanboy nods to what might come next (”hey look at Captain
America’s shield, thats funny…”).
Außerdem können sich die DC Helden besser alleine behaupten, wärend
Marvel ja immer mehr auf Teams und Crossover gesetzt hat.
Deswegen stehe ich voll hinter DC's Entscheidung! Auch wenn
Verbindungen zwischen den Filmen cool wären, so ist es jedoch für
die einzelnen Franchises besser wenn sie isoliert bleiben (siehe