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Frasier: The Complete Series (US Import ohne dt. Ton) Blu-ray

Original Filmtitel: Frasier: The Complete Series

US Import
- mit englischer Tonspur
Uncut, 33 Discs, BD (33x), 16:9 Vollbild, HD Sound (englisch), Extras in HD (teilweise)
VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA ImportVereinigte Staaten von Amerika Blu-ray Import
Deutscher Titel:
Frasier: Die komplette Serie
HD Keep Case im Schuber
English DTS-HD MA 2.0
English (Hard of Hearing)
A, B, C
Disc Kapazität:
BD-50 GB
1920x1080p (1.33:1, 1.78:1) @23,976 Hz
5885 Minuten
Serie abgeschlossen:
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bluray-disc.de Filmbeschreibung:
Enthält die komplette Serie rund um den Radiopsychiater Dr. Frasier Crane (K. Grammer) mit allen 11 Staffeln.

    Staffel 1:

      01. The Good Son
      02. Space Quest
      03. Dinner at Eight
      04. I Hate Frasier Crane
      05. Here's Looking at You
      06. The Crucible
      07. Call Me Irresponsible
      08. Beloved Infidel
      09. Selling Out
      10. Oops
      11. Death Becomes Him
      12. Miracle on Third or Fourth Street
      13. Guess Who's Coming to Breakfast
      14. Can't Buy Me Love
      15. You Can't Tell a Crook by His Cover
      16. The Show Where Lilith Comes Back
      17. A Mid-Winter Night's Dream
      18. And the Whimper Is...
      19. Give Him the Chair!
      20. Fortysomething
      21. Travels with Martin
      22. Author, Author
      23. Frasier Crane's Day Off
      24. My Coffee with Niles

        Staffel 2:

          01. Slow Tango in South Seattle
          02. The Unkindest Cut of All
          03. The Matchmaker
          04. Flour Child
          05. Duke's, We Hardly Knew Ye
          06. The Botched Language of Cranes
          07. The Candidate
          08. Adventures in Paradise: Part 1
          09. Adventures in Paradise: Part 2
          10. Burying a Grudge
          11. Seat of Power
          12. Roz in the Doghouse
          13. Retirement Is Murder
          14. Fool Me Once, Shame on You, Fool Me Twice...
          15. You Scratch My Book...
          16. The Show Where Sam Shows Up
          17. Daphne's Room
          18. The Club
          19. Someone to Watch Over Me
          20. Breaking the Ice
          21. An Affair to Forget
          22. Agents in America: Part 3
          23. The Innkeepers
          24. Dark Victory

            Staffel 3:

              01. She's the Boss
              02. Shrink Rap
              03. Martin Does It His Way
              04. Leapin' Lizards
              05. Kisses Sweeter Than Wine
              06. Sleeping with the Enemy
              07. The Adventures of Bad Boy and Dirty Girl
              08. The Last Time I Saw Maris
              09. Frasier Grinch
              10. It's Hard to Say Goodbye If You Won't Leave
              11. The Friend
              12. Come Lie with Me
              13. Moon Dance
              14. The Show Where Diane Comes Back
              15. A Word to the Wiseguy
              16. Look Before You Leap
              17. High Crane Drifter
              18. Chess Pains
              19. Crane vs. Crane
              20. Police Story
              21. Where There's Smoke, There's Fired
              22. Frasier Loves Roz
              23. The Focus Group
              24. You Can Go Home Again

                Staffel 4:

                  01. The Two Mrs. Cranes
                  02. Love Bites Dog
                  03. The Impossible Dream
                  04. A Crane's Critique
                  05. Head Game
                  06. Mixed Doubles
                  07. A Lilith Thanksgiving
                  08. Our Father Whose Art Ain't Heaven
                  09. Dad Loves Sherry, the Boys Just Whine
                  10. Liar! Liar!
                  11. Three Days of the Condo
                  12. Death and the Dog
                  13. Four for the Seesaw
                  14. To Kill a Talking Bird
                  15. Roz's Krantz & Gouldenstein Are Dead
                  16. The Unnatural
                  17. Roz's Turn
                  18. Ham Radio
                  19. Three Dates and a Breakup: Part 1
                  20. Three Dates and a Breakup: Part 2
                  21. Daphne Hates Sherry
                  22. Are You Being Served?
                  23. Ask Me No Questions
                  24. Odd Man Out

                    Staffel 5:

                      01. Frasier's Imaginary Friend
                      02. The Gift Horse
                      03. Halloween
                      04. The Kid
                      05. The 1000th Show
                      06. Voyage of the Damned
                      07. My Fair Frasier
                      08. Desperately Seeking Closure
                      09. Perspectives on Christmas
                      10. Where Every Bloke Knows Your Name
                      11. Ain't Nobody's Business If I Do
                      12. The Zoo Story
                      13. The Maris Counselor
                      14. The Ski Lodge
                      15. Room Service
                      16. Beware of Greeks
                      17. The Perfect Guy
                      18. Bad Dog
                      19. Frasier Gotta Have It
                      20. First Date
                      21. Roz and the Schnoz
                      22. The Life of the Party
                      23. Party, Party
                      24. Sweet Dreams

                        Staffel 6:

                          01. Good Grief
                          02. Frasier's Curse
                          03. Dial M for Martin
                          04. Hot Ticket
                          05. First Do No Harm
                          06. Secret Admirer
                          07. How to Bury a Millionaire
                          08. The Seal Who Came to Dinner
                          09. Roz, a Loan
                          10. Merry Christmas, Mrs. Moskowitz
                          11. Good Samaritan
                          12. Our Parents, Ourselves
                          13. The Show Where Woody Shows Up
                          14. Three Valentines
                          15. To Tell the Truth
                          16. Decoys
                          17. The Dinner Party
                          18. Taps at the Montana
                          19. IQ
                          20. Dr. Nora
                          21. When a Man Loves Two Women
                          22. Visions of Daphne
                          23. Shutout in Seattle: Part 1
                          24. Shutout in Seattle: Part 2

                            Staffel 7:

                              01. Momma Mia
                              02. Father of the Bride
                              03. Radio Wars
                              04. Everyone's a Critic
                              05. The Dog That Rocks the Cradle
                              06. Rivals
                              07. A Tsar Is Born
                              08. The Late Dr. Crane
                              09. The Apparent Trap
                              10. Back Talk
                              11. The Fight Before Christmas
                              12. RDWRER
                              13. They're Playing Our Song
                              14. Big Crane on Campus
                              15. Out with Dad
                              16. Something About Dr. Mary
                              17. Whine Club
                              18. Hot Pursuit
                              19. Morning Becomes Entertainment
                              20. To Thine Old Self Be True
                              21. The Three Faces of Frasier
                              22. Dark Side of the Moon
                              23. Something Borrowed, Someone Blue: Part 1
                              24. Something Borrowed, Someone Blue: Part 2

                                Staffel 8:

                                  01. And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon: Part 1
                                  02. And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon: Part 2
                                  03. The Bad Son
                                  04. The Great Crane Robbery
                                  05. Taking Liberties
                                  06. Legal Tender Love and Care
                                  07. The New Friend
                                  08. Mary Christmas
                                  09. Frasier's Edge
                                  10. Cranes Unplugged
                                  11. Motor Skills
                                  12. The Show Must Go Off
                                  13. Sliding Frasiers
                                  14. Hungry Heart
                                  15. Hooping Cranes
                                  16. Docu.Drama
                                  17. It Takes Two to Tangle
                                  18. Forgotten But Not Gone
                                  19. Daphne Returns
                                  20. The Wizard and Roz
                                  21. Semi-Decent Proposal
                                  22. A Passing Fancy
                                  23. A Day in May
                                  24. Cranes Go Caribbean

                                    Staffel 9:

                                      01. Don Juan in Hell: Part 1
                                      02. Don Juan in Hell: Part 2
                                      03. The First Temptation of Daphne
                                      04. The Return of Martin Crane
                                      05. Love Stinks
                                      06. Room Full of Heroes
                                      07. Bla-Z-Boy
                                      08. The Two Hundredth
                                      09. Sharing Kirby
                                      10. Junior Agent
                                      11. Bully for Martin
                                      12. Mother Load: Part 1
                                      13. Mother Load: Part 2
                                      14. Juvenilia
                                      15. The Proposal
                                      16. Wheels of Fortune
                                      17. Three Blind Dates
                                      18. War of the Words
                                      19. Deathtrap
                                      20. The Love You Fake
                                      21. Cheerful Goodbyes
                                      22. Frasier Has Spokane
                                      23. The Guilt Trippers
                                      24. Moons Over Seattle

                                        Staffel 10:

                                          01. The Ring Cycle
                                          02. Enemy at the Gate
                                          03. Proxy Prexy
                                          04. Kissing Cousin
                                          05. Tales from the Crypt
                                          06. Star Mitzvah
                                          07. Bristle While You Work
                                          08. Rooms with a View
                                          09. Don't Go Breaking My Heart
                                          10. We Two Kings
                                          11. Door Jam
                                          12. The Harassed
                                          13. Lilith Needs a Favor
                                          14. Daphne Does Dinner
                                          15. Trophy Girlfriend
                                          16. Fraternal Schwinns
                                          17. Kenny on the Couch
                                          18. Roe to Perdition
                                          19. Some Assembly Required
                                          20. Farewell, Nervosa
                                          21. The Devil & Dr. Phil
                                          22. Fathers and Sons
                                          23. Analyzed Kiss
                                          24. A New Position for Roz

                                            Staffel 11:

                                              01. No Sex Please, We're Skittish
                                              02. A Man, a Plan and a Gal: Julia
                                              03. The Doctor Is Out
                                              04. The Babysitter
                                              05. The Placeholder
                                              06. I'm Listening
                                              07. Maris Returns
                                              08. Murder Most Maris
                                              09. Guns 'N Neuroses
                                              10. Sea Bee Jeebies
                                              11. High Holidays
                                              12. Frasier-Lite
                                              13. The Ann Who Came to Dinner
                                              14. Freudian Sleep
                                              15. Caught in the Act
                                              16. Boo!
                                              17. Coots and Ladders
                                              18. Match Game
                                              19. Miss Right Now
                                              20. And Frasier Makes Three
                                              21. Detour
                                              22. Crock Tales
                                              23. Goodnight, Seattle: Part 1
                                              24. Goodnight, Seattle: Part 2

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