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Community: The Complete Series (US Import ohne dt. Ton) Blu-ray

Original Filmtitel: Community: The Complete Series

US Import
- mit englischer Tonspur
Uncut, 12 Discs, BD (12x), 16:9 Vollbild, HD Sound (englisch), Extras in HD (teilweise)
VEREINIGTE STAATEN VON AMERIKA ImportVereinigte Staaten von Amerika Blu-ray Import
Deutscher Titel:
Community: Die komplette Serie
HD Keep Case im Schuber
English DTS-HD MA 5.1
English (Hard of Hearing)
A, B, C
Disc Kapazität:
BD-50 GB
1920x1080p (1.78:1) @23,976 Hz
2423 Minuten
Serie abgeschlossen:
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bluray-disc.de Filmbeschreibung:
Enthält die komplette Serie mit allen 6 Staffeln.

Staffel 1:

01. Pilot
02. Spanish 101
03. Introduction to Film
04. Social Psychology
05. Advanced Criminal Law
06. Football, Feminism and You
07. Introduction to Statistics
08. Home Economics
09. Debate 109
10. Environmental Science
11. The Politics of Human Sexuality
12. Comparative Religion
13. Investigative Journalism
14. Interpretive Dance
15. Romantic Expressionism
16. Communication Studies
17. Physical Education
18. Basic Genealogy
19. Beginner Pottery
20. The Science of Illusion
21. Contemporary American Poultry
22. The Art of Discourse
23. Modern Warfare
24. English as a Second Language
25. Pascal’s Triangle Revisited

Staffel 2:

01. Anthropology 101
02. Accounting for Lawyers
03. The Psychology of Letting Go
04. Basic Rocket Science
05. Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples
06. Epidemiology
07. Aerodynamics of Gender
08. Cooperative Calligraphy
09. Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design
10. Mixology Certification
11. Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas
12. Asian Population Studies
13. Celebrity Pharmacology
14. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
15. Early 21st Century Romanticism
16. Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking
17. Intro to Political Science
18. Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy
19. Critical Film Studies
20. Competitive Wine Tasting
21. Paradigms of Human Memory
22. Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts
23. A Fistful of Paintballs (Part 1)
24. For a Few Paintballs More (Part 2)

Staffel 3:

01. Biology 101
02. Geography of Global Conflict
03. Competitive Ecology
04. Remedial Chaos Theory
05. Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps
06. Advanced Gay
07. Studies in Modern Movement
08. Documentary Filmmaking: Redux
09. Foosball and Nocturnal Vigilantism
10. Regional Holiday Music
11. Urban Matrimony and the Sandwich Arts
12. Contemporary Impressionists
13. Digital Exploration of Interior Design (Part 1)
14. Pillows and Blankets (Part 2)
15. Origins of Vampire Mythology
16. Virtual Systems Analysis
17. Basic Lupine Urology
18. Course Listing Unavailable
19. Curriculum Unavailable
20. Digital Estate Planning
21. The First Chang Dynasty
22. Introduction to Finality

Staffel 4:

01. History 101
02. Paranormal Parentage
03. Conventions of Space and Time
04. Alternative History of the German Invasion
05. Cooperative Escapism in Familial Relations
06. Advanced Documentary Filmmaking
07. Economics of Marine Biology
08. Herstory of Dance
09. Intro to Felt Surrogacy
10. Intro to Knots
11. Basic Human Anatomy
12. Heroic Origins
13. Advanced Introduction to Finality

Staffel 5:

01. Repilot
02. Introduction to Teaching
03. Basic Intergluteal Numismatics
04. Cooperative Polygraphy
05. Geothermal Escapism
06. Analysis of Cork-Based Networking
07. Bondage and Beta Male Sexuality
08. App Development and Condiments
09. VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing
10. Advanced Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
11. G.I. Jeff
12. Basic Story (Part 1)
13. Basic Sandwich (Part 2)

Staffel 6:

01. Ladders
02. Lawnmower Maintenance & Postnatal Care
03. Basic Crisis Room Decorum
04. Queer Studies & Advanced Waxing
05. Laws of Robotics & Party Rights
06. Basic Email Security
07. Advanced Safety Features
08. Intro to Recycled Cinema
09. Grifting 101
10. Basic RV Repair and Palmistry
11. Modern Espionage
12. Wedding Videography
13. Emotional Consequences of Broadcast Television

Community: The Complete Series (US Import ohne dt. Ton) Blu-ray Preisvergleich

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