Artists’ Words of 2011 & 2012 – Part 4 (By Yulli)
Happy New Year~!
I want to say hello to you guys here!
Please be happy every day in this year! ^-^
For the past year, I have done quite a lot of sculpting and art
direction works, but I think my sculpting is not good enough.^^ So
today in 2012, I want to start again and do my job better and
For the most interesting works last year, number one is Jack
Nicholson’s Joker.
This character is very funny and has a devil face. When I sculpt
this kind of head, I must need to think two points: one is Jack
Nicholson’s normal face before make-up; another one is Joker’s face
after make-up.
If we only check the face after make-up, it is not good enough
because it may only look like Joker, but not Jack Nicholson. So I
check both normal and make-up faces very carefully when I do this
job. And I got this idea after making Heath Ledger’s Joker head
sculpt long time ago.
A quite funny thing is that - when I work, my face is always
smiling like Joker.
Please imagine. It’s really very funny, right? haha
I have tried my best as I want to make it perfect.
Please enjoy the Jack Nicholson’s Joker which will be coming soon
and give me good advices.
Besides, last year, I went to the U.S. and Taiwan and met a lot of
our fans.
I am very happy about that. With fans’ support, I am really happy
and relaxed, and I want to do more good works for fans.
In Seoul, I always feel lonely and have a hard time in my small
working room.
In Korea, actually I don’t have a chance to meet our fans.
This year, if I have a chance, I want to meet more of our fans from
Korea and different countries.
You guys always give me good advices and I can feel the love around
me, which is a very big power for me! ^_^
Once again, Happy New Year everyone~!
This year I will try my best and do more better head sculpts for
our fans.
Thank you very much~!
Yulli from Korea ^^
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