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Amazon.co.uk blockiert FSK 18 Artikel, mein Brief

I just encountered a problem that made me really angry.
A week ago I was able to import a Blu Ray Disc to Germany that was classified 18. But now this seems impossible. Every time I try to buy some 18+ stuff (e.g. Man on Fire Blu Ray), your shop tells me the item can only be shipped within the UK. What the heck? Why the infantilizing all the sudden?
Since you are only able to import stuff with a credit card (for which you have to be 18+ to get one in Germany) I just see no reason why shipping 18+ stuff to Germany would be a problem. Especially for the UK and Germany both being part of the EU. What happened to free movement of goods? Do only big companies benifit from globalisation? Well.. apparently. And in the end, customers like me, who found a way to save some money by importing stuff gets the short end of the stick. I would really appreciate if you reconsidered your new strategy, otherwise you are going to lose at least one customer to not-so-strict competing companies. And I assure you more will follow, because it is already a topic in various german movie boards.
Regards, a disenchanted customer, speaking for many"
Auf die Reaktion darf man gespannt sein.
I just encountered a problem that made me really angry.
A week ago I was able to import a Blu Ray Disc to Germany that was classified 18. But now this seems impossible. Every time I try to buy some 18+ stuff (e.g. Man on Fire Blu Ray), your shop tells me the item can only be shipped within the UK. What the heck? Why the infantilizing all the sudden?
Since you are only able to import stuff with a credit card (for which you have to be 18+ to get one in Germany) I just see no reason why shipping 18+ stuff to Germany would be a problem. Especially for the UK and Germany both being part of the EU. What happened to free movement of goods? Do only big companies benifit from globalisation? Well.. apparently. And in the end, customers like me, who found a way to save some money by importing stuff gets the short end of the stick. I would really appreciate if you reconsidered your new strategy, otherwise you are going to lose at least one customer to not-so-strict competing companies. And I assure you more will follow, because it is already a topic in various german movie boards.
Regards, a disenchanted customer, speaking for many"
Auf die Reaktion darf man gespannt sein.
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Der Blog von BilliLoumez wurde 274x besucht.
Die Antwort:
"Dear Mr ...,
Thank you for writing to Amazon.co.uk
Further to your email, I regret to inform you that due to recent systems issues, we have been unable to fulfill certain orders to addresses outside the UK. We expect to resolve the issues within several days at which point we will be able to take and fulfill orders as per usual.
We will write to you again shortly when we are able to accept and fulfill all overseas orders. We do apologise for any inconvenience that this has caused.
Thank you for your patience."