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Österreich Blu-ray Import
Enthält die komplette Serie vollständig remastered mit allen 120 Episoden in 6 Staffeln.
Pilot Film:
Backlash of the Hunter
Season 1:
01. The Kirkoff Case
02. The Dark and Bloody Ground
03. The Countess
04. Exit Prentiss Carr
05. Tall Woman in Red Wagon
06. This Case Is Closed
07. The Big Ripoff
08. Find Me If You Can
09. In Pursuit of Carol Thorne
10. The Dexter Crisis
11. Caledonia - It's Worth a Fortune!
12. Profit and Loss, Part 1: Profit
13. Profit and Loss, Part 2: Loss
14. Aura Lee, Farewell
15. Sleight of Hand
16. Counter Gambit
17. Claire
18. Say Goodbye to Jennifer
19. Charlie Harris at Large
20. The Four Pound Brick
21. Just by Accident
22. Roundabout
Season 2:
01. The Aaron Ironwood School of Success
02. The Farnsworth Stratagem
03. Gearjammers, Part 1
04. Gearjammers, Part 2
05. The Deep Blue Sleep
06. The Great Blue Lake Land and Development Company
07. The Real Easy Red Dog
08. Resurrection in Black & White
09. Chicken Little Is a Little Chicken
10. 2 Into 5.56 Won't Go
11. Pastoria Prime Pick
12. The Reincarnation of Angie
13. The Girl in the Bay City Boys Club
14. The Hammer of C Block
15. The No-Cut Contract
16. A Portrait of Elizabeth
17. Joey Blue Eyes
18. In Hazard
19. The Italian Bird Fiasco
20. Where's Houston?
21. Foul on the First Play
22. A Bad Deal in the Valley
Season 3:
01. The Fourth Man
02. The Oracle Wore a Cashmere Suit
03. The Family Hour
04. Feeding Frenzy
05. Drought at Indianhead River
06. Coulter City Wildcat
07. So Help Me God
08. Rattlers' Class of '63
09. Return to the 38th Parallel
10. Piece Work
11. The Trouble with Warren
12. There's One in Every Port
13. Sticks and Stones May Break Your Bones, But Waterbury Will Bury You
14. The Trees, the Bees and T.T. Flowers: Part 1
15. The Trees, the Bees and T.T. Flowers: Part 2
16. The Becker Connection
17. Just Another Polish Wedding
18. New Life, Old Dragons
19. To Protect and Serve: Part 1
20. To Protect and Serve: Part 2
21. Crack Back
22. Dirty Money, Black Light
Season 4:
01. Beamer's Last Case
02. Trouble in Chapter 17
03. The Battle of Canoga Park
04. Second Chance
05. The Dog and Pony Show
06. Requiem for a Funny Box
07. Quickie Nirvana
08. Irving the Explainer
09. The Mayor's Committee from Deer Lick Falls
10. Hotel of Fear
11. Forced Retirement
12. The Queen of Peru
13. A Deadly Maze
14. The Attractive Nuisance
15. The Gang at Don's Drive-In
16. The Paper Palace
17. Dwarf in a Helium Hat
18. South by Southeast
19. The Competitive Edge
20. The Prisoner of Rosemont Hall
21. The House on Willis Avenue
Season 5:
01. Heartaches of a Fool
02. Rosendahl and Gilda Stern Are Dead
03. The Jersey Bounce
04. White on White and Nearly Perfect
05. Kill the Messenger
06. A Good Clean Bust with Sequel Rights
07. Three Day Affair with a Thirty Day Escrow
08. The Empty Frame
09. Black Mirror: Part 1
10. Black Mirror: Part 2
11. A Fast Count
12. Local Man Eaten by Newspaper
13. With the French Heel Back, Can the Nehru Jacket Be Far Behind?
14. The Battle-Ax and the Exploding Cigar
15. Guilt
16. The Deuce
17. The Man Who Saw the Alligators
18. The Return of the Black Shadow
19. A Material Difference
20. Never Send a Boy King to Do a Man's Job: Part 1
21. Never Send a Boy King to Do a Man's Job: Part 2
22. A Different Drummer
Season 6:
01. Paradise Cove
02. Lions, Tigers, Monkeys and Dogs: Part 1
03. Lions, Tigers, Monkeys and Dogs: Part 2
04. Only Rock 'n' Roll Will Never Die: Part 1
05. Only Rock 'n' Roll Will Never Die: Part 2
06. Love Is the Word
07. Nice Guys Finish Dead
08. The Hawaiian Headache
09. No Fault Affair
10. The Big Cheese
11. Just a Coupla Guys
12. Deadlock in Parma
Detektiv Rockford - Anruf genügt: Die komplette Serie (AT Import) Blu-ray
Original Filmtitel: The Rockford Files: The Complete Series
AT Import
- mit deutscher Tonspur
- mit deutscher Tonspur
Zu meiner Filmliste
Zu meiner Merkliste
Zu meiner Bestellliste
Zu meiner Suchliste
Zu meiner Wunschliste
Uncut, 28 Discs, BD (28x), HD Sound (deutsch), HD Sound (englisch),
Erstmals alle Folgen ungekürzt (Fehlstellen der deutschen Synchronisation im Originalton mit deutschen Untertiteln)!
Erstmals alle Folgen ungekürzt (Fehlstellen der deutschen Synchronisation im Originalton mit deutschen Untertiteln)!

Deutscher Titel:
Detektiv Rockford - Anruf genügt: Die komplette Serie
Gretchen Corbett, Jack Garner, James Garner, James Luisi, Joe E. Tata, Joe Santos, Luis Delgado, Noah Beery Jr., Pepper Martin, Stuart Margolin, Tom Atkins
HD Keep Case im Schuber
Deutsch DTS-HD MA 2.0
Englisch DTS-HD MA 2.0
Englisch DTS-HD MA 2.0
Deutsch (bei Fehlstellen der deutschen Synchronisation)
Disc Kapazität:
BD-50 GB
1920x1080p (1.37:1) @24 Hz
6140 Minuten
ab 27.06.2025
Serie abgeschlossen:
bluray-disc.de Filmbeschreibung:
Detektiv Jim Rockford (J. Garner) war nicht immer auf der richtigen Seite des Gesetzes. Einst saß er für seine Taten sogar im Gefängnis. Doch diese Zeiten sind vorbei und Jim ist auf seiner eigenen Mission um nicht nur seine Vergangenheit gut zu machen, sondern auch, um anderen Menschen zu helfen, denen keiner helfen will. Und so ermittelt der Privatdetektiv für kleines Geld aber mit großem Herzen und einer ruhigen, aber festen Hand ...Enthält die komplette Serie vollständig remastered mit allen 120 Episoden in 6 Staffeln.
Pilot Film:
Backlash of the Hunter
Season 1:
01. The Kirkoff Case
02. The Dark and Bloody Ground
03. The Countess
04. Exit Prentiss Carr
05. Tall Woman in Red Wagon
06. This Case Is Closed
07. The Big Ripoff
08. Find Me If You Can
09. In Pursuit of Carol Thorne
10. The Dexter Crisis
11. Caledonia - It's Worth a Fortune!
12. Profit and Loss, Part 1: Profit
13. Profit and Loss, Part 2: Loss
14. Aura Lee, Farewell
15. Sleight of Hand
16. Counter Gambit
17. Claire
18. Say Goodbye to Jennifer
19. Charlie Harris at Large
20. The Four Pound Brick
21. Just by Accident
22. Roundabout
Season 2:
01. The Aaron Ironwood School of Success
02. The Farnsworth Stratagem
03. Gearjammers, Part 1
04. Gearjammers, Part 2
05. The Deep Blue Sleep
06. The Great Blue Lake Land and Development Company
07. The Real Easy Red Dog
08. Resurrection in Black & White
09. Chicken Little Is a Little Chicken
10. 2 Into 5.56 Won't Go
11. Pastoria Prime Pick
12. The Reincarnation of Angie
13. The Girl in the Bay City Boys Club
14. The Hammer of C Block
15. The No-Cut Contract
16. A Portrait of Elizabeth
17. Joey Blue Eyes
18. In Hazard
19. The Italian Bird Fiasco
20. Where's Houston?
21. Foul on the First Play
22. A Bad Deal in the Valley
Season 3:
01. The Fourth Man
02. The Oracle Wore a Cashmere Suit
03. The Family Hour
04. Feeding Frenzy
05. Drought at Indianhead River
06. Coulter City Wildcat
07. So Help Me God
08. Rattlers' Class of '63
09. Return to the 38th Parallel
10. Piece Work
11. The Trouble with Warren
12. There's One in Every Port
13. Sticks and Stones May Break Your Bones, But Waterbury Will Bury You
14. The Trees, the Bees and T.T. Flowers: Part 1
15. The Trees, the Bees and T.T. Flowers: Part 2
16. The Becker Connection
17. Just Another Polish Wedding
18. New Life, Old Dragons
19. To Protect and Serve: Part 1
20. To Protect and Serve: Part 2
21. Crack Back
22. Dirty Money, Black Light
Season 4:
01. Beamer's Last Case
02. Trouble in Chapter 17
03. The Battle of Canoga Park
04. Second Chance
05. The Dog and Pony Show
06. Requiem for a Funny Box
07. Quickie Nirvana
08. Irving the Explainer
09. The Mayor's Committee from Deer Lick Falls
10. Hotel of Fear
11. Forced Retirement
12. The Queen of Peru
13. A Deadly Maze
14. The Attractive Nuisance
15. The Gang at Don's Drive-In
16. The Paper Palace
17. Dwarf in a Helium Hat
18. South by Southeast
19. The Competitive Edge
20. The Prisoner of Rosemont Hall
21. The House on Willis Avenue
Season 5:
01. Heartaches of a Fool
02. Rosendahl and Gilda Stern Are Dead
03. The Jersey Bounce
04. White on White and Nearly Perfect
05. Kill the Messenger
06. A Good Clean Bust with Sequel Rights
07. Three Day Affair with a Thirty Day Escrow
08. The Empty Frame
09. Black Mirror: Part 1
10. Black Mirror: Part 2
11. A Fast Count
12. Local Man Eaten by Newspaper
13. With the French Heel Back, Can the Nehru Jacket Be Far Behind?
14. The Battle-Ax and the Exploding Cigar
15. Guilt
16. The Deuce
17. The Man Who Saw the Alligators
18. The Return of the Black Shadow
19. A Material Difference
20. Never Send a Boy King to Do a Man's Job: Part 1
21. Never Send a Boy King to Do a Man's Job: Part 2
22. A Different Drummer
Season 6:
01. Paradise Cove
02. Lions, Tigers, Monkeys and Dogs: Part 1
03. Lions, Tigers, Monkeys and Dogs: Part 2
04. Only Rock 'n' Roll Will Never Die: Part 1
05. Only Rock 'n' Roll Will Never Die: Part 2
06. Love Is the Word
07. Nice Guys Finish Dead
08. The Hawaiian Headache
09. No Fault Affair
10. The Big Cheese
11. Just a Coupla Guys
12. Deadlock in Parma
Detektiv Rockford - Anruf genügt: Die komplette Serie (AT Import) Blu-ray Preisvergleich
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News zum Film
am 07.03.2025 um 11:52 Uhr
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at Importe Neueste Bewertungen
am 01.02. um 22:05 Uhr
am 11.01. um 18:29 Uhr
am 10.01. um 22:25 Uhr
am 06.01. um 10:39 Uhr
at Importe Neueste Kommentare
am 09.01. um 16:45 Uhr
am 09.01. um 16:38 Uhr
am 09.12. um 22:30 Uhr
am 17.11. um 13:46 Uhr
am 16.11. um 16:02 Uhr