Geschrieben: 01 Dez 2017 19:10
Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Sammler
Forenposts: 151
Clubposts: 1.794
seit 15.11.2012
LG 47LW579S
Sony PlayStation 3
Bedankte sich 850 mal.
Erhielt 1007 Danke für 380 Beiträge
Ich will PCS nicht verteidigen die 10% gibt es oben drauf auch beim
Full Payment. So gibt es wenigstens etwas und einige werden damit
zufrieden sein wie ich. Ich hab jetzt noch 3 Statuen von ihnen die
ich haben will. 2 davon 100% He-Man/ Battle Cat und She-Ra. Conan
entscheide ich nach den ersten Bildern.
Geschrieben: 01 Dez 2017 19:15
Das ist es eben, einige. Es wäre kein Problem gewesen auch etwas
für die anderen zu machen wenn sie schon das Geld nicht schieben
können. Für alle die schieben können ist es wie ein Refund des NRD.
Deswegen ein Kuhhandel um die ruhig zu stellen die dann das Geld
auf diesem Wege zurück erhalten.
Geschrieben: 05 Dez 2017 22:51
Geschrieben: 06 Dez 2017 17:51
Mal wieder ein schönes Beispiel der Ignoranz von PCS und
(gekaufte?) Fanboys.
Dass es KEINEN Käufer gibt für PO Übernahmen scheinen die nicht zu
verstehen bzw. verstehen zu wollen...
Von mir bekommen die egal was die noch bringen keinen Cent mehr
Zitat von equi-nox76
Are all of those that can't shift their NRD nor will buy any future
statue because of a restructuring of interests left out in that
Hey guys. Mark here from PCS. I
wanted to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your
continued support. I know it has been a rocky road these past few
months as Anthony and I have waded in to helping solve some of the
problems that PCS has had. Our goal is to continue to produce high
quality, affordable and unique products for years to come. Anthony
has been working tirelessly with factories to improve both quality
and production times, as well as working with new and exciting
licensers to increase the variety of products offered to
collectors. He and I are true collectors at heart and I think
bringing that perspective to PCS has not only had an immediate
impact but will continue to positively influence the products
produced and the direction of the company moving forward. With
Jerry focusing entirely on sculpting and continuing to lead the
creative direction of PCS, we are all very confident we can
accomplish great things.
With that out of the way, I can address a few other questions. One
big question is when are we moving?
The official move-out date for the building in Simi Valley is Dec
31st. It has been "all hands on deck" for several weeks packing
this place up and working on the logistics of moving an entire
building of products and equipment as well as moving the people
needed to hit the ground running in NC. You can think about PCS
being completely relocated to NC around the first week of
As you can imagine, everybody here now has 2 jobs. What they do on
day to day basis and as movers . So please forgive us if we are not
as prompt as we usually are when it comes to replies or responses.
I promise that once the dust settles, you guys will see a huge
difference in the customer service department. Our goal when we
started was to improve the response time from taking a week to less
than 24 hours. Right now, we sit at around 48 hours but will be
improving that with new hires and a refocus on customer service
once the move is handled.
The other big topic of discussion is regarding cancellations and
their associated refunds. Anthony and I want to be as fair as
possible to everybody, including ourselves. I talk to people all
the time about the positive things we are doing here including
clearing up the back log of incoming statues. You guys have
probably noticed that we are delivering 4 or 5 statues a month now
and will continue to do so until the backlog is completely caught
up. We are doing this because:
A. We are collectors too and HATE long product delays
B. We need to as quickly as possible get back to an x number of
pre-ordered product = x number of delivered product per month
model. Currently it should be a 2x2 model with 2 products on PO and
2 products being delivered to customers each month. Currently we
are on a 2x5 model to try and catch up.
We really do understand the frustration of having to wait an extra
6-9 months, or sometimes longer, past the original delivery date.
It sucks. It sucks for us, it sucks for you, it sucks for our loyal
distributors, etc. Our main goal in this company is to NEVER again,
under any circumstance, let this delay situation happen again. I
know those are strong words but Anthony and I talk about it all the
time and make strategic decisions with this one goal in mind.
There are still variables that will be out of our control from time
to time. Maybe a ship sinks taking our container of statues to the
bottom of the abyss making it so that we have to start all over
with production. In those cases, we have and will stand by a policy
that states that if a product is late by more than 3 months, a full
refund with NRD can be requested. This policy is set in stone and
applies to all of the delivery dates currently listed on the site.
The policy is also listed on the site and will not change.
We feel this is a fair policy especially since we are still the
only major statue company who continues to allow our collectors to
transfer ownership of pre-orders to another collector.
This policy does not however address the older delivery dates that
have been missed. So Anthony and I have sat down and come up with a
Anybody with an order that is past its original delivery date by
more than 6 months can request a refund minus NRD but have their
NRD payment applied as payment toward a different current order OR
accept a 10% off coupon applied to the total order value of any
future order.
This way nobody loses any money and gets full value for every
dollar they have invested in our company.
This policy will start immediately.
Thank you again for all of the positive messages and support. And
thank you as well for the constructive criticism and feedback we
have been getting. All of it helps to make us better and stronger
moving forward.
Zitat von ZenLogikos
You can always sell your PO and transfer the order.
Zitat von equi-nox76
No buyers at all.
I'd like to hear what PCS's answer is on this though.
Zitat von red_ant
Zen is correct. You can sell or transfer your PO.
Geschrieben: 11 Dez 2017 13:14
Noch mal ein Dredd auf dem Weg.
pic property of PCS
Geschrieben: 06 Jan 2018 15:52
Habe jetzt den Refund für alle Sachen die noch offen waren bei PCS
Wegen dem schlechten Kurs vom USD werde ich das Geld aber auf dem
PP-Konto lassen und die nächsten US-Zahlungen von dort aus machen.
Dann habe ich zumindest nicht den Kurswechselverlust am Hals.
Puh war das was. Bin sowas von froh komplett alles weg zu
Geschrieben: 06 Jan 2018 15:58
Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Fan
Forenposts: 173
Clubposts: 1.116
seit 24.01.2009
Samsung UE-65HU8590
Panasonic DMP-BDT220
Blu-ray Filme:
PS 3 Spiele:
PS 4 Spiele:
Bedankte sich 16 mal.
Erhielt 96 Danke für 91 Beiträge
Ich habe immer noch keine Kohle. Drecksladen...
Gruß Stefan
Geschrieben: 06 Jan 2018 20:11
Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Sammler
Forenposts: 145
Clubposts: 1.923
seit 01.02.2015
Blu-ray Filme:
Bedankte sich 179 mal.
Erhielt 370 Danke für 237 Beiträge
Zitat von StefanG.
Ich habe immer noch keine Kohle. Drecksladen...
Trotzdem Glückwunsch Chris das es wenigstens bei dir endlich
geklappt hat ;)
Geschrieben: 07 Jan 2018 18:22
Ich habe auch täglich geschrieben und ab und zu mal im SF was
geschrieben und im FB.
War denen scheinbar zu lästig ^^
Geschrieben: 27 Jan 2018 19:09
Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Junkie
Hope you guys are
ready for 2018.
Time for PCS to get back to it's roots.
We've made big changes (new better factories, fast delivery anyone)
in 2017 and we are not even close to being done.
But, there are somethings from PCS' original past that we want to
get back to for our fans.
And the first one we want is our edition sizes and variants.
We want to get back to low edition sizes and less variants.
1:3 Dredd will be the first one. There will only be 1 Ex and it
will only have an ES 200.
The regular version will not have an open edition size like in the
past. It's ES will be 300.
We, like you, want collectibles!
Plus it makes it easier to explain to the wives/husbands that these
are investments as well.
Ant Adams FB