Geschrieben: 29 Juni 2012 08:04

Blu-ray Fan
Forenposts: 729
seit 24.08.2011
Bedankte sich 500 mal.
Erhielt 1845 Danke für 410 Beiträge
Price: n/a
Release date: n/a
Link: n/a
Notes: In addition, the collection comes with a
48-page book featuring behind-the-scenes photographs, original
posters, and rare correspondences.
The films include:
Dracula (1931)
Drácula [Spanish-language version] (1931)
Frankenstein (1931)
The Mummy (1932)
The Invisible Man (1933)
Bride of Frankenstein (1935)
The Wolf Man (1941)
Phantom of the Opera (1943)
Creature from the Black Lagoon (3-D, 1954)
Both versions of Dracula (on a
single BD-50)
Introduction to the Spanish language version by Lupita Tovar
Audio commentaries:
Film historian David J. Skal
Dracula: Dead and Loving It screenwriter Steve Haberman
Alternate Philip Glass score performed by the Kronos Quartet
Monster Tracks interactive pop-up feature about the making of
Behind-the-scenes featurettes:
The Road to Dracula
Lugosi: The Dark Prince
Dracula: The Restoration featurette
The Dracula Archives feature
Trailer gallery
Audio commentaries:
Film historian Rudy Behlmer
Historian Sir Christopher Frayling
Monster Tracks interactive pop-up feature about the making of
Behind-the-scenes featurettes:
The Frankenstein Files: How Hollywood Made a Monster
Karloff: The Gentle Monster
Universal Horror featurette
The Frankenstein Archives feature
Boo!: A Short Film
100 Years Of Universal featurette: Restoring the Classics
Trailer gallery
The Mummy
Audio commentaries:
Rick Baker, Scott Essman, Steve Haberman, Bob Burns, and Brent
Film historian Paul M. Jensen
Behind-the-scenes featurettes:
Mummy Dearest: A Horror Tradition Unearthed
He Who Made Monsters: The Life and Art Of Jack Pierce
Unraveling the Legacy of The Mummy
The Mummy Archives feature
100 Years Of Universal featurette: The Carl Laemmle Era
Trailer gallery
The Invisible Man
Audio commentary by film historian Rudy Behlmer
Now You See Him: The Invisible Man Revealed behind-the-scenes
100 Years Of Universal featurette: Unforgettable Characters
Production photographs
Bride of Frankenstein
Audio commentary with Scott MacQueen
She's Alive! Creating The Bride Of Frankenstein behind-the-scenes
The Bride of Frankenstein Archives feature
100 Years Of Universal featurette: Restoring the Classics
Trailer gallery
The Wolf Man
Audio commentary with film historian Tom Weaver
Behind-the-scenes featurettes:
The Wolf Man: From Ancient Curse to Modern Myth
Pure in Heart: The Life and Legacy of Lon Chaney, Jr.
He Who Made Monsters: The Life and Art Of Jack Pierce
The Wolf Man Archives feature
100 Years Of Universal featurette: The Lot
Trailer gallery
Phantom of the Opera
Audio commentary with Scott MacQueen
The Opera Ghost: A Phantom Unmasked behind-the-scenes
100 Years Of Universal featurette: The Lot
Theatrical trailer
Production photographs
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Original 3D plus 2D version of the film
Audio commentary with Tom Weaver
Back to The Black Lagoon behind-the-scenes featurette
100 Years Of Universal featurette: The Lot
Trailer gallery
Production photographs
Geschrieben: 29 Juni 2012 08:14

Darauf freue ich mich...das wird ein echter Knaller...
Geschrieben: 29 Juni 2012 17:29

Sehr schön, gepflegter Grusel der einfach Spaß macht ohne
explodierende Köpfe und dergleichen.

Erscheinungstermin: 02.10.2012
Was zum Spielen:
Geschrieben: 29 Juni 2012 19:13

Blu-ray Fan
Forenposts: 729
seit 24.08.2011
Bedankte sich 500 mal.
Erhielt 1845 Danke für 410 Beiträge
Geschrieben: 30 Juni 2012 12:53

Blu-ray Junkie
cool wie das überarbeitet wurde. so macht das echt sinn und die s/w
filme sehen nach was aus :)
I know only one thing. When I sleep, I know no
fear, no trouble, no bliss. Blessing on him who invented sleep. The
common coin that purchases all things, the balance that levels
shepherd and king, fool and wise man. There is only one bad thing
about sound sleep. They say it closely resembles death. -
Andrei Tarkovsky, Solaris
Geschrieben: 02 Juli 2012 18:12

Australische Collection:
Erscheinungstermin: 03.10.2012 - Australien
Geschrieben: 02 Juli 2012 18:33

Blu-ray Junkie
muss gestehen diese klassiker noch nie gesehen zu haben. auch wenn
sie einen wohl nicht umhauen sollte man sie aber als film fan vllt
doch mal kennenlernen?
zumindest das phantom der oper interessiert mich sehr.
I know only one thing. When I sleep, I know no
fear, no trouble, no bliss. Blessing on him who invented sleep. The
common coin that purchases all things, the balance that levels
shepherd and king, fool and wise man. There is only one bad thing
about sound sleep. They say it closely resembles death. -
Andrei Tarkovsky, Solaris
Geschrieben: 04 Juli 2012 10:24

Ist ja skandalös ;-)))
Zumindest Frankenstein/Bride of Frankenstein und Darcula sollte man
mal gesehen haben....
Geschrieben: 07 Juli 2012 21:33

Blu-ray Junkie
Zitat von Spirit-of-Picture
Australische Collection:
Erscheinungstermin: 03.10.2012 - Australien
in UK das gleiche: