Geschrieben: 08 Jan 2025 07:27

Blu-ray Papst
SteelBook (WEA):
Box Set:
bluraysteel @
Geschrieben: 08 Jan 2025 07:28

Blu-ray Papst
Why Is the Blufans Exclusive Release of The
Hobbit Trilogy Steelbook Still Considered a WEA Steelbook?
Blufans initially submitted several exclusive WEA (Worldwide
Exclusive Artwork) designs for The Hobbit trilogy. However, the
production company ultimately decided not to approve any new
steelbook designs. As a result, only a limited selection of designs
from the existing steelbook art pool was available. Despite these
limitations, this set stands out as the best choice for several
Exclusive Steelbook Embossing and Finish:
While the cover is not WEA, this steelbook is still a BE (Blufans
Exclusive) release, featuring significant differences from the WWA
(Worldwide Artwork) steelbook with similar covers. It is the only
steelbook in The Hobbit series with embossing, adding a unique
texture and depth to the design. The high-gloss (Full Glossy)
finish further enhances its premium look, in contrast to the matte
finish of the WWA edition.
Exclusive Inner Artwork:
The inner artwork is uniquely designed by Blufans and completely
distinct from the WWA steelbook, adding another layer of
exclusivity to this set.
Unique Title and Spine:
The cover title features a cleaner and more elegant design. The
spine design is entirely different from the WWA edition,
incorporating an updated 4K logo.
Blufans’ The Hobbit trilogy follows a design approach consistent
with its exclusive The Lord of the Rings trilogy release. Although
details about the slipcase design have yet to be revealed, fans of
Blufans’ The Lord of the Rings sets can expect a similarly stunning
and cohesive look for The Hobbit release. You can trust that this
set will be a proud addition to your Blufans collection, matching
perfectly with The Lord of the Rings trilogy for a beautiful
Und eine spezielle Info von Kevin für "seine" SB-Teilnehmer:
Due to the extremely limited print run, there
will be no public group buys for Blufans Exclusive of The Hobbit
Trilogy release. This opportunity is exclusively open to members
who previously purchased and are listed on the LOTR Trilogy group
buy here. Rest assured, your copy will align with your previous
LOTR edition orders.
If you previously purchased a single edition of LOTR Trilogy, your
copy of The Hobbit Trilogy will match that edition. However, if you
purchased both the OC and DL editions of LOTR, you must choose one
edition (either OC or DL) as your primary preference.
To secure your reservation for The Hobbit Trilogy, please send me a
private message (PM) confirming your order request by January 18,
2025. Advanced invoices will be sent out by January 20, 2025. A
single request will cover all three releases. Preorder reservations
will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis and are
limited to one copy per member. Any secondary or late requests will
be added to a waiting list.
If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free
to PM me. Thank you once again for your understanding and
bluraysteel @
Geschrieben: 08 Jan 2025 08:03
@schneijo Wird HDZeta die Filme auch noch
Geschrieben: 08 Jan 2025 12:02

Blu-ray Papst
Meines Wissens hat HDzeta von der Veröffentlichung Abstand genommen
- vermutlich genau aus dem Grund, den Blufans angibt: Keine
Freigabe neuer Artworks, beschränkter Pool. Ich würde nicht drauf
Geschrieben: 08 Jan 2025 15:24

Blu-ray Starter
Ist ja echt merkwürdig, dass man beim Hobbit sich so kritisch zeigt
mit den Covermotiven, während man beim HdR nicht so streng
Geschrieben: 08 Jan 2025 22:17

Blu-ray Papst
Disc-Aufteilung (wird bei den anderen Filmen wohl gleich und der
DLFS im Box Set anders bestückt sein):
Double Lenticular: Extended Edition 4K UHD
Single Lenticular: Theatrical Edition 4K UHD Disc
Full Slip: Extended Edition Blu-Ray Disc
bluraysteel @
Geschrieben: 08 Jan 2025 22:37
Diese Diskaufteilung ist doch echt für Arsch. Völlig
Geschrieben: 10 Jan 2025 17:14

Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Profi
Super Nachrichten!
Finde es auch toll dass die Gestaltung mit Herr der Ringe
übereinstimmt - wird sich toll machen die nebeneinander
aufzustellen, den Platz dafür hab ich schon.
Auch wenn die Cover mit den bisherigen Steelbooks übereinstimmen
(was ja auch eindeutig an der Beschränkung der Studios liegt)
werden die Steelbooks mit Prägung, etc. sicher wieder
Geschrieben: 04 Feb 2025 16:16

Steeljunkie Extreme
Blu-ray Guru
Freu mich auch schon . OC s sind bestellt , und die FS schon
Gruß Lindy
The First Lady of Steel