Geschrieben: 03 Jan 2023 11:38
Blu-ray Papst
Hinweis: Noch steht nicht fest, in
welcher Form Plain Archive den Titel veröffentlicht (SteelBook oder
Keep Case).<<< Platzhalter-Post für Beautyshots
Geschrieben: 03 Jan 2023 11:39
Blu-ray Papst
Plain Archive hat im November 2021 bereits ein
DVD Digipak zu diesem Film
veröffentlicht. Offenbar waren die Nachfragen hinsichtlich einer
Blu-ray Veröffentlichung derart drängend, dass sich der Inhaber vor
wenigen Tagen diesbezüglich auf Instagram geäußert hat. Er postete
direkt ein paar Vorschaubilder (?) dazu;
scheinbar kommt
wenigstens eine "Édition Premium" in exklusiver Aufmachung und mit
hochwertigem Inhalt auf uns zu (s. Instagram Post nach dem
The year 2022 of Plain Archive, which was toxic
and long, is coming to an end. This year, I pride myself on
releasing a number of big-planned Blu-ray and publishing projects
after twists and turns with my own passion, but I think there will
still be some upcoming releases from Plain Archive that you're
waiting for a long time and are curious about. I am ashamed of the
delay in the release of the works I have always announced, but
especially with regards to <Portrait of a Lady on Fire>, so
many people have been constantly asking about the progress, and I
think you must have been frustrated by the lack of news.
All works are extremely precious and we all prepare them with love,
but <Portrait of a Lady on Fire> is a large-scale work,
especially in terms of both package and disc content, so we seldom
delivered news in the middle of the preparation process.
Unfortunately, the release of the work has been moved to the new
year, but we will do our best for the remaining time to deliver
detailed news not too far away, and to present a high-quality
Blu-ray package that fully compensates for the long wait.
Plain Archive