Zitat von Fox
Es wurde einfach so
hingenommen... :eek:
Und das obwohl versprochen
wurde gegen Ende von Lost alles aufzuklären.
Ich habe das schon ein paarmal gelesen. Ich konnte aber immernoch
keine Quelle für diese Aussage auftreiben...
Hätte da mal eher was, das in die gegensätzliche Richtung geht (in
Zusammenhang mit den Zahlen):
Damon Lindelof
did make a comment at
Comic Con in 2005 that "We may never know what the Numbers
mean". He quickly regretted this, as he got tons of unhappy fan
mail demanding to know what he meant exactly, and since then, the
writing team have declined to comment directly or expand on this
topic (except through The Lost
In a May, 2008 interview with Kristin Dos
Santos, Damon Lindelof furthered
his statements:
There are some questions that are very engaging and interesting,
and then there are other questions that we have no interest
whatsoever in answering. We call it the midi-chlorian debate,
because at a certain point, explaining something mystical
demystifies it. To try and have a character come and say, "Here is
what the numbers mean," actually makes every usage of the numbers
up to that point less interesting.
You can actually watch Star Wars now, and when Obi-Wan talks about
the Force to Luke for the first time, it loses its luster because
the Force has been explained as, sort of, little biological agents
that are in your blood stream. So you go, "Oh, I liked Obi-Wan's
version a lot better." Which in the case of our show is, "The
numbers are bad luck, they keep popping up in Hurley's life, they
appear on the island." ... But if you're watching the show for a
detailed explanation of what the numbers mean—and I'm not saying
you won't see more of them—then you will be disappointed by the end
of season six.
Von '05 und '08 sei nochmal angemerkt.
Meine Fimliste bitte ignorieren. Diese wurde durch einen Bug mit
allen möglichen BDs aufgefüllt.
Once again! Limp Bizkit! Gold