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CZ - Predator [1987] (Discless) - Filmarena Collection #158 (SteelBook)

Gestartet: 26 Nov 2016 23:23 - 68 Antworten



  • Di., 12.10.2021, 20:00 Uhr (für Inh. einer FA Limitierungsnr.)
  • Do., 14.10.2021, 20:00 Uhr (für alle restl. Kunden)

  • 23.04.2022 (E5)
  • 27.04.2022 (E1, E2, E2, E4)

  E1, Full Slip XL (500 Stk.): 1.799 CZK (OOS)
  E2, Double Lenticular Full Slip XL (500 Stk.): 1.899 CZK (OOS)
  E3, Lenticular Full Slip XL (500 Stk.): 1.899 CZK (OOS)
  E4, Maniacs Collector's Box  (E1+E2+E3+E5) (400 Stk.): 7.499 CZK (OOS)
  E5, SteelBook (400 Stk.): 1.199 CZK (OOS) 

Besonderheiten: WEA SteelBook · Prägung · Hochglanz · Lenticular-Magnet (E1)
Geschrieben: 05 Okt 2023 00:00


Avatar Vincent_vega84

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Es tut sich anscheinend endlich etwas, neue Info von Filmarena:
Dear Collectors,

thank you for the very long wait for the title PREDATOR.

We will briefly recapitulate the history so far regarding this project. In October 2019, we were approved by the Fox studio to produce the exclusive SteelBook PREDATOR and all relevant numbered editions. After the production and delivery of this SteelBook, it remained in the stock of the distribution partner Bontonfilm, which, due to problems in the media market, decided to withdraw from the distribution of physical media, and this matter technically took place during 2020, when the SteelBook PREDATOR remained in its warehouses. After that, the acquisition of FOX was completed, the titles and rights of which were transferred to Disney, there was a technical change in the distributor in our market. In September 2021, the Disney studio verbally confirmed to us through the words of distribution that we could release the SteelBook PREDATOR. However, the new distributor requested re-approval of individual numbered editions. At the time, we thought that to undergo this procedure once more was primarily decency within the framework of good relations with the partner who helped us to regain the SteelBook PREDATOR from the outgoing distributor. In addition, once approved editions should not be a problem to approve and publish in an accelerated mode, except for cosmetic minor things. Unfortunately, we've been waiting for two years already, and logically it seems too much for everyone, especially if the studio and distribution still haven't given us objective reasons why we can't send the Fox studio-approved editions to customers.

That is why we decided to proceed according to the original scenario when all rights but also obligations, claims, and liabilities should be transferred to the new acquirer of rights. In the same way, the exclusive SteelBook PREDATOR should be released according to the original concept approved by the Fox studio, it is polite to replace or update some copyrights as far as possible.

But now to the point. The final approval of the studio to send the editions, for which we have been waiting for so long, is tied to the delivery of physical media, which we do not yet have. That's why we came up with the option to offer you individual PREDATOR editions without discs. The paradox is that both Blu-ray and 4K Blu-ray discs are on sale all over the world, but we still can't get our hands on them. The whole project has already cost us a lot, both in terms of effort and financial resources, and we honestly don't know when the studio will approve the delivery of the discs. In addition to financial and reputational losses, the whole project cost us a lot, and we don't want to wait any longer. We need to get the editions to the customers in order to at least partially cover the total costs and finally finish this project. The delivered editions will contain everything we showed you in the beauty shots, the only thing missing will be the discs. Originally, we wanted to offer customers two options: 1) send without discs to those who do not want to wait any longer and 2) wait for discs for those who are not in a hurry, but we are not interested in extending this delay, which is beyond the normal limit, any longer, because on the one hand, we need to free up space in the warehouse and at the same time end speculation about what is going on behind the scenes. Any other solutions would only mean further delay. That is why we come up with this proposal. For those who do not want to accept editions without discs, we offer the option of canceling the order and refunding the money. Due to the high costs of this project, we are unfortunately unable to provide a discount for the delivery of editions without discs. We will offer canceled orders to interested parties on waiting lists. We are not sure whether there will be any editions left for free sale after the processing of the waiting lists, therefore we will announce any free sale in advance by bulk email or on the e-shop.

Our decision is not one you make every day, it took us long, but we can see it as the only option to deliver the coveted and long-promised exclusive SteelBook to customers. We won't completely satisfy you, however, in our opinion, we did the best we could do and in time. It is possible that this decision will bring us even more unplanned problems, but it is the only option to avoid delaying the solution for months or years.

Regarding PREDATOR editions, we will send you information by email during this week, about when and how it is possible to cancel your order. About a week or two before we have it completed, we will send another email with information that we are preparing an expedition. For the E1, E2, E3, and E5 editions, we estimate this already during October, E4 box will take a couple more weeks.

Unfortunately, we will have to postpone the release and distribution of the next upcoming editions by this time, because we will be using our assembly and shipping team to the maximum.

Thank you for understanding our proposed solution and for your help in writing the history of the exclusive SteelBook PREDATOR.

With warm regards,

Jan for the Filmarena team


Club der Steeljunkies

LG, Raffi
Letterboxd: VincentVega84

Geschrieben: 05 Okt 2023 07:50


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Ach du dickes Ei. War so klar das so eine Nachricht irgendwann kommt.

Auf die Idee mit den Disclosen Editionen kommen die echt erst jetzt ? Natürlich wie nicht anders zu erwarten gibt es dann keine Reduzierung des Kaufpreises. Klasse Filmarena, Ihr seid echt die Größten. So eine Scheinheiligkeit und so ein Verhalten absoluter Betrug. Nun haben Sie ja wieder einen prima Vorwand die Lieferungen aller anderen Editionen nochmal und nochmal zu verschieben und weiß der Kuckuck wann auszuliefern, wo doch Ihr Lager so voll ist und Sie Platz brauchen. Hören die sich eigentlich noch selber zu ? Den ist echt nicht zu helfen.

Das Vertrauen von Kunden so schamlos auszunutzen ist echt unglaublich widerlich. Wer denen noch Geld in den Rachen wirft ist selber schuld.

Filmarena muss sich nicht wundern wenn Sie nichts mehr verkaufen und Insolvenz anmelden müssen, wenn nicht sogar schon passiert.
Ich hoffe das wenigstens alle noch Ihre bestellten Editionen erhalten und dann kann Filmarena endgültig von der Bildfläche verschwinden.

Geschrieben: 09 Okt 2023 17:40


Avatar Pluto57

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Neue Mail von Filmarena bzgl. Predator......

Dear Collectors,

we kindly offer you the option of canceling your order and refunding your money.

If you wish to cancel the paid order and refund the money, please confirm this fact to us in writing by 13th October 2023. Please include the following information in your email:

Name and address of your bank's registered office:
IBAN international bank account number:

If we need any additional information, we will contact you.

If you do not want to cancel your order, you do not need to take any action and it will be left and processed according to the information sent out last week.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Best regards,
The FA team

Club der Steeljunkies
Geschrieben: 22 Okt 2023 22:49



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Die die bei André die E1 bestellt haben können sich freuen, die hat er schon bekommen good.png
Gruß Lindy
The First Lady of Steel
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Geschrieben: 29 Okt 2023 21:15


Avatar BigHero6

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Blurays For Everyone @ Facebook



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Geschrieben: 30 Okt 2023 10:52


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schnell mal von der E1, E2, E3 ein paar Bilder in OVP

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Geschrieben: 09 Nov 2023 22:27


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Zwei lange Jahre. Sie sind da. @Vincent_vega84 Vielen Dank an @forenhase




1 Kommentar:
von Vincent_vega84 am 09.11.2023 22:30:
@BigHero6 Nice, freue mich schon sehr darauf :-)
Geschrieben: 09 Nov 2023 22:36


Avatar Zedd

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Hab auch meine E5 Edition bekommen. Dort steht nun aber auf dem Quarterschuber 400 Copies ohne Nummeriung drauf und nicht 500 wie ursprünglich vorgesehen. Eventuell müsste das dann hier im Eintrag korrigiert werden. Davon abgesehen ein wahnsinnig schönes Steelbook mit einem würdigen Kinoplakatmotiv, Prägung des Rahmens und des Schriftzugs, obwohl es ja noch ein anderes prominentes gepixelte Kinoplakatmotiv gab.
2 Kommentare:
von BigHero6 am 09.11.2023 23:58:
@Zedd Habe auf 400 Stück geändert.
von agentsands am 10.11.2023 07:09:
DB Eintrag aktualisiert.
Geschrieben: 11 Nov 2023 19:10


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Es sind die Verluste und die Niederlagen, die ihn weise machen und die ihn lehren,
wie viel Freude man am Gewinnen haben kann.
Man verliert zwangsläufig ab und an. Der Trick ist, es nicht zur Gewohnheit werden zu lassen!

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Geschrieben: 11 Nov 2023 22:37


Avatar BigHero6

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@mannyMarc Ein Verkäufer aus Tschechien verkauft Exemplare auf eBay. Steel und Slips. Ein Schelm, der Böses dabei denkt. 
3 Kommentare:
von MaxiMillion am 11.11.2023 22:42:
@BigHero6 Danke dir
von SaarPimboli am 12.11.2023 10:29:
Sind da tatsächlich nirgends Disc drinne in sämtlichen Editionen ( E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 ) ??????
von SaarPimboli am 12.11.2023 10:42:
Ok,hab den Brief von Filmarena übersetzt. Glaube sowas hat es auch noch nie gegeben, und die von Filmarena haben wirklich keine Schuld.Aber da die Disc eh keinen deutschen Ton gehabt hätten ist es eigentlich egal, man kann ja seine deutschen Disc reinpacken.Ich behalte eh mein deutsches Lenti-Steelbook von damals , glaube vom MM. Da habe ich 2D, 3D und noch 4K zusätzlich drinn.

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