Geschrieben: 29 Jan 2016 08:43
Ankündigung von Novamedia via Facebook
Remastered, geplant für Mitte März 2016
Weitere Infos folgen
Lenticular Slipbox:
Mod-Edit: Alte Info in Spoiler, Beautyshots eingefügt
Elvis has left the... forum
Geschrieben: 29 Jan 2016 13:12
Blu-ray Sammler
Schade, dass der Film "nur" als Slipbox erscheint. Hier hätte ich
mich über ein Steelbook, wie das von ISTD von Plain sehr gefreut.
Bin trotzdem gespannt, wie das Teil aussehen wird.
Geschrieben: 14 Mai 2016 09:37
Info von Novamedia via Facebook
Dear Customers,
Furthermore, Next Amaray series is under 2nd design approval
process with the movie studio and we are working very hard to
release this title as fast as we can.
We thank our customers for showing much interest for our titles and
we hope above information could provide what Nova Media has been
working on lately.
Thank you very much
Nova Media
Elvis has left the... forum
Geschrieben: 25 Juli 2016 17:13
Full Slip -
Lenticular Slip
Von Novamedia via Facebook
[Notice] Novamedia Amaray series #14 <A
Bittersweet Life>
Dear international customers
Today we are very happy to announce pre-order details for Novamedia
Amaray series #14 <A Bittersweet Life>
1) Pre-order date/time: 10th Aug, 2016. 2 PM (Korea Time,
2) Release date/time: 26th Aug, 2016
3) Price & Print run (Total print run = 1,500 copies)
- Full slip : 700 copies, numbered : $32.99
- Lenticular Full slip : 800 copies, numbered : $33.99
4) Package details
Remastering (Original Negative Film
* Aspect Ratio & Format
2.35:1 1080p High definition
* Sound Mix
- Korean DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1ch
-Commentary 1 (Director : Jee-woon Kim, Actor : Byung-hun Lee,
Yeong-cheol Kim )
-Commentary 2 (Director: Jee-woon Kim, Cinematography : Ji-yong
Kim, Production Design : Seong-hie Ryu)
-Commentary 3 (Director: Jee-woon Kim, movie critic : Lee
* Subtitles
- Korean
- English
- Japanese
*Special Feature
-La Dolce Vita/Self Interview (17:48)
-Making of A Bittersweet Life (25:36)
-Style of A Bittersweet Life (66:00)
-Tell Me Why? (21:24)
-Deleted and Alternate Scenes (23:28)
-Interview with the Netizen (17:21)
-A Bittersweet Life in Cannes (30:09)
-Sweet Sleep (03:32)
-EPK (6:00)
-Music Video (02:46)
-Teaser (01:26)
-Trailer (02:01)
* 36 pages booklet
* 6x character card
* 4x post card
Thank you
Mod-Edit: Bilder wieder eingefügt
Elvis has left the... forum
Geschrieben: 28 Juli 2016 18:26
Full Slip Edition
Lenticular Slip Edition
Elvis has left the... forum
Geschrieben: 10 Aug 2016 13:49
Blu-ray Starter
Forenposts: 17
Clubposts: 23
seit 14.03.2011
Bedankte sich 16 mal.
Erhielt 25 Danke für 17 Beiträge
Habe gerade die Fullslip-Edition geordert. In den Warenkorb konnte
ich nur noch ein Exemplar legen und nach meiner Bestellung stand
beim Artikel "Sold out".
Bißchen Glück muß man auch mal haben. :party:
Von der Lenticular-Ediiton sind aktuell übrigens noch 9 Stück
vorhanden, aber die lasse ich aus. Gefällt mir den Bildern nach
nicht wirklich.
Geschrieben: 18 Aug 2016 11:41
Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Profi
Wegen Qualitätsmängel der Lenticulare verzögert sich die VÖ. Diese
ist jetzt für den 2. September angesetzt.
[Notice] Nova Amaray Series #14 Release
Dear customers,
Unfortunately, the upcoming Nova Amaray Series #14 has been
postponed from August 26th to September 2nd due to a production
All Nova Media’s Lenticulars are produced and imported from abroad
and lenticulars have a tendency to have many scratches and problems
during production. We have been performing 1st quality control
process with the factory and 2nd quality control process within the
company. Considering the defect rate of the lenticulars, we have
produced over double the amount of lenticulars for the real
products but for this time, the good quality lenticulars only
reached 30% level. We have tried to speak to the factory in order
to meet the release date but due to a production time, we couldn’t
keep the release date and have decided to postpone the release date
to September 2nd.
We thank every customer for supporting Nova Amaray Series #14 and
we have been working to make sure every product meets our quality
standard. In order to send out the quality products to our
customers, we have decided to postpone the release date.
We are sorry for postponing the release date and we will work as
hard as we could to ship out the good products.
Quelle: NovaMedia FB
Geschrieben: 25 Aug 2016 15:14
Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Profi
Der Full Slip ist wieder verfügbar!
Zudem hat NovaMedia mit dem Versand begonnen. :thumb:
Geschrieben: 03 Sep 2016 21:36
Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Profi
Geschrieben: 24 März 2022 15:21
Chefredakteur Filmdatenbank Importe
Blu-ray Guru
Beide DB Einträge komplett überarbeitet und vervollständigt.
Forenmod Serienthread -
Kinothread - DB Import