Good day, Gentlemen! This is Steve Dymszo.
I asked the mod if I could mention something here, and he
generously said OK!!
We have gotten MR back together. Our NEW company is called Master
Replicas Group. (The original MR corp actually still exists in
So this is a totally NEW company. We have 11 of the original
employees here and we will be launching the website on Nov 1st.
There will be a few items for sale initially, but it will ramp up
pretty quickly as more products come in-stock from our suppliers in
the next few months.
We have licenses with WB for 2001: A Space Odyssey, and the
Smithsonian for aerospace and archaeological products.
We don't have Star Wars YET, but we MAY be partnering with another
company to make a broad spread of amazing new products. It is still
in its infancy stage, so NO guarantees YET.
Ditto for Star Trek.
Please visit the website on Nov 1st to see what we have coming
AND on a separate note...
I also have this Luke/Obi shared stunt .45 scale mini-lightsaber
for sale. It was made at MR back in 2005 and is the only one in the
I have NO idea what it would be worth, so I would suggest that if
you are interested, please e-mail me with an offer at
I also have my original Leia blaster prototype with display case
and an AP plaque signed by Carrie Fisher.
Again, not really sure what this would be worth. BTW: It is a
deactivated Russian Soyuz pistol, so no overseas shipping.
And I have a couple of original MR product specification documents.
(MiB Neuralyzer and Leia Blaster)
These are binders full of pics, specs, reference info, notes to the
factory, licensor notes and requirements, etc etc.