Auf der GC08 hat Sony's Zugepferd
einen genauen Release-Termin bekommen; ab dem 29. Oktober 2008
sollte das Spiel rund um die Sackboys in Europa erscheinen.
Doch jetzt wurde von Sony durch eine neue Presse Mitteilung in
England bekannt, dass das Spiel bereits am 24. Oktober, fünf Tage
früher erscheinen wird:
Play, Create and Share in LittleBigPlanet – a world
designed by you coming to PlayStation 3 on 24th October 2008
Welcome to LittleBigPlanet – a world of
infinite possibilities, where imagination becomes reality and the
powers of creation are firmly in your hands. Coming to PlayStation
3 on 24th October 2008.
LittleBigPlanet is a new, ground-breaking PlayStation®3 (PS3™)
game, combining an amazing platform adventure with a huge social
community. There are places to explore, creative resources to
collect and puzzles to solve – all requiring a combination of
brains and teamwork.
But that’s only the beginning. The fun really starts when you begin
to build your own LittleBigPlanet. Using an advanced physics system
which takes full advantage of the PS3’s power, players have the
ability to design, shape and build both objects and entire
locations for others to view and play, bringing together for the
first time the three biggest elements in gaming - play, create,
share. Even the game’s central character Sackboy is
When your world is ready, you can invite anyone within the
LittleBigPlanet community on the PlayStation®Network to come and
explore your creations, or go and explore everybody else’s - it’s a
brilliant way to meet some new sack-buddies!
LittleBigPlanet, already garnering plaudits as one of the most
hotly anticipated titles in video game history - is one of the
year’s biggest releases. This October LittleBigPlanet is going to
change the world of gaming forever
... leider ist nicht bekannt, ob der neue Release-Termin auch für
den Rest von Europa gilt. Ich würde mich aber freuen! :p