Sofa Subjugator Bronze: Win 5 Sofa vs Sofa games
The Barnard Award Bronze: Score over 1500 points in Single
Lonesome and Loving it Bronze: Play 5 single player games
MyBuzz Enthusiast Bronze: Play 1 MyBuzz game
Sofa Surfer Bronze: Play 1 Sofa vs Sofa game
Socialite Bronze: Play 5 Multiplayer games
Sofa Subjugator Silver: Win 20 Sofa vs Sofa games
The Barnard Award Silver: Score over 3000 points on single
Lonesome and Loving it Silver: Play 20 single player games
MyBuzz Enthusiast Silver: Play 20 MyBuzz games
Sofa Surfer Silver: Play 15 Sofa vs Sofa games
Socialite Silver: Play 20 multiplayer games
Sofa Subjugator Gold: Win 50 sofa vs sofa games
The Barnard Award Gold: Score 5000 points in single player
Lonesome and Loving it Gold: Play 50 single player games
MyBuzz Enthusiast Gold: Play 50 MyBuzz games
Sofa Surfer Gold: Play 40 Sofa vs Sofa games
Socialite Gold: Play 50 multiplayer games
+6 versteckte Trophies:
He’s on Fire! (Silver): Correctly answer 10 questions in a
Buzz’s Best New Friend: Grab all the other trophies
Ich war der Erste und jetzt hat fast jeder die Playcard
Wer sich auch welche machen will:
P.s.:Könnt mich ruhig alle in die freundesliste nehmen!
BladeGun-Cloud oder Cloud137137137