estern in der Episode die ich gesehen hab gab es zur Abwechslung
mal zwei Mickey Namen:
Mickey: Who wants to try my latest Creation, we all love Pizza, we
all love Milkshakes, so I Combiend them
Donnie: Okay so that could not be less appetising
Mickey: I Call it a Pishake
Donnie: *würg* I stand incorrected
Mickey: You guys have no Sence of Adventure *drink*....*kotz*,
Where did I go wrong??? :eek:
Mickey: So whats your Name anyway?
Aligator Mutant: I do not have a One
Mickey: You don’t have a Name???? Ha today is your lucky Day, cause
I’m a genius at naming Stuff. Let me see....mhmmm...mhmm...mhmhm...
your head is kind of Leathery, how about Headleather? Heather? No
Wait....Leatherhead! Even Better Leatherhead!
Leatherhead: Leatherhead it is, thank you
Mickey: No Problemo, thats what I do.
MfG Pierre
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