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World War Z

Gestartet: 22 Juli 2010 08:00 - 780 Antworten

123 Minuten
Geschrieben: 24 Juli 2011 21:53


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Für alle Zombiejunkies: WEDNESDAY 13 bringt am 11. Oktober sein neues Album "Calling All Corpses" raus.

Ein cinematorische äußerst gelungener Trailer, welcher allerdings zum Videospiel DEAD ISLAND gehört:


Geschrieben: 25 Juli 2011 18:25


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Asked about World War Z, the writer described the adaptation as tough to write, "because there is no main character." His breakthrough came when he realized that the book, presented as an after-action report, had to be written by someone. Someone had to interview all those people, and thus he figured out his central character for the film. He isn't completely sure, but Straczynski assumes it will be out sometime in 2012.


Geschrieben: 31 Juli 2011 21:16


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Neuer Castzugang: Katinka Egres

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Geschrieben: 02 Aug 2011 08:21


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London hat es Brad Pitt angetan. Während der Dreharbeiten zu „World War Z“ verliebte sich der Schauspieler in den Stadtbezirk Richmond und denkt seitdem über den Kauf einer Villa nach.

Dem amerikanischen Schauspieler und Filmproduzenten Brad Pitt (47) gefällt der Londoner Stadtbezirk Richmond angeblich so gut, dass er erwägt, sich dort eine Stadtvilla zuzulegen. Wie die Zeitung „The Sun“ im Internet meldet, soll sich auch Pitts Lebensgefährtin Angelina Jolie (36) gern in Richmond aufhalten.

Pitt wurde in den vergangenen Wochen häufiger in der grünen Region im Südwesten der britischen Hauptstadt gesehen, weil er dort den Zombiefilm „World War Z“ nach einem Roman von Max Brook (39) dreht, dessen Kinostart für 2012 angekündigt ist. Pitt wird in der Hauptrolle zu sehen sein.


Geschrieben: 02 Aug 2011 08:25


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Glasgow´s women ready for visit of world´s most gorgeous man:

WHY is it you wait your whole life for Mr Right to come along and when he finally does turn up, you have to fight off a million other hopeful girls for him?

This month Mr Brad Pitt, aka The Most Beautiful Man In The World, is coming to Scotland - and the nation's women (and some of its men) are on red alert.
The actor will be visiting Glasgow to shoot scenes for his latest film, zombie movie World War Z, which is ironic as his presence is highly likely to cause a fair number of the city's residents to chase after him while mindlessly drooling.
I'm sure it's an experience that follows him wherever he goes, but I'm pretty certain he won't know what's hit him when he walks the streets here.
There are A-listers and then there are the likes of Brad, a man so famous, so universally lusted after that he makes the great seducer James Bond look like Mr Bean.
So ladies, this is no time for slacking. It's going to be boom-time in the hairdressers and beauty salons of the city as Glaswegian girls glam up for the arrival of a real Hollywood heart-throb.
In fact Brad's probably the hottest thing to land on our shores since Elvis's brief stop-over at Prestwick Airport last century.
Of course, pulling out all the stops to catch Brad's eye won't be any stretch for our gallus women because let's be honest, anyone who's experienced the nightlife here knows they're not slow at making themselves seen or heard.
People always remark on how friendly Glaswegians are, but I think Brad's in for the welcome of his life.
My university roommate's 10ft tall poster of Brad in a still from Legends Of The Fall loomed large over my late-teens, as well as my bed, so I blame her for my romantic attachment to the pin-up.
And as someone who, very embarrassingly, fainted with excitement at a Justin Timberlake concert, I'd guess the odds of me having a full-blown meltdown at the sight of the naked cowboy from Thelma & Louise is quite high.
But I'll risk it. And OK, he may have dated the world's most beautiful women, from Gwyneth Paltrow to Jennifer Aniston, and yes, he's officially still shacked up, at least some of the time, with the goddess that is Angelina Jolie. Plus not being a native of this city I have zero chance of holding my own against the blow-dried, glossy-lipped and beautifully turned out locals.
But I could always try to catch his attention with a Tomb Raider costume or a Rachel haircut.
Or maybe I should just get to the point and state my intentions, although I have a suspicion Glasgow Airport's security don't like it when you wait at the arrivals gate in a wedding dress.


Geschrieben: 02 Aug 2011 15:07


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Zombie thriller ‘World War Z’, (starring none other than Brad Pitt), started filming in Falmouth earlier today.
The crew estimate that the Paramount Pictures film will require 10 days of filming (from the 2nd to 12th of August) on-board a ship, with the help of 500 local extras.
Fiona Francome, South West Screen’s production services manager, has been heavily involved with the project: “At South West Screen we work to link up productions with the resources they need, and we have been in close contact with WWZ’s production team, local film crew, and Falmouth Town Council to help prepare for this complex shoot.
“It is all the more exciting because it coincides with the busy Henri Lloyd Falmouth Week. This type of production can be a major boost for the local area, so we are really pleased to welcome WWZ to Falmouth.”


Geschrieben: 03 Aug 2011 10:26


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A ship is covered in fake ice, complete with Russian lettering, for use in Brad Pitt's new film World War Z which will be filmed in Falmouth

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Geschrieben: 03 Aug 2011 10:30


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With the filming of Brad Pitt’s latest blockbuster World War Z in Falmouth, the town has gone zombie crazy. Kernowpods‘ Matthew Clarke talks to Falmouth town manager Richard Gates about the knock-on impact it is having on local traders.


Geschrieben: 03 Aug 2011 16:53


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Brad Pitt am Schiff-Set in Falmouth, Cornwall:

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Geschrieben: 04 Aug 2011 09:35


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