V: The Complete First Season
Special features
- The Visual FX of V Featurette
- The Actor’s Journey Featurette
- An Alien in Human Skin: The Makeup FX of V Featurette
- Commentary
- Feature a 1.78:1 1080p encoding, an English Dolby Digital 5.1
soundtrack with Dutch, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Danish,
Norwegian, Swedish, and Finnish subtitles.
- There Is No Normal Anymore (11/10/2009)
- Bright New Day, A (11/17/2009)
- It's Only the Beginning (11/24/2009)
- Welcome to the War (3/30/2010)
- Pound of Flesh (4/6/2010)
- John May (4/13/2010)
- We Can't Win (4/20/2010)
- Heretic's Fork (4/27/2010)
- Hearts and Minds (5/4/2010)
- Fruition (5/11/2010)
- Red Sky (5/18/2010)
Erscheinungsdatum: 02.11.2010 - USA
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amazon.com u.a.