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Red Dead Redemption (PS3)

Gestartet: 27 Apr 2009 13:58 - 1579 Antworten

Red Dead Redemption spielt in der Wende des 20. Jahrhunderts, als das Weite Land Platz für die Industrie macht und ein neues Zeitalter anbricht - wir befinden uns in einem epischen Western. ...
Geschrieben: 20 Okt 2010 21:30


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So Freunde, neue Infos! :D
Weil es 2 News sind mach ich 2 Posts, ich hoffe das ist für die Mods ok?!
Also es geht los! :D

12 New Achievements/Trophies in the Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare Pack


As you fight the deadly zombie plague across the frontier in Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare – you’ll be able to earn 12 new in-game accomplishments on both Xbox 360 (as Achievements) and PlayStation 3 (as Trophies) along the way. Revealed here today are five of them... You'll have to wait until game release to find out what the other seven secret hidden accomplishments are.

Fight off 8 unique players during your reign on top during Land Grab in Free Roam.

Attain Rank 5 in all Undead Challenges.

Make it to wave 15 in Undead Overrun Gametype in Multiplayer.

Have every territory saved at the same time during the Undead Nightmare.

Attain 100% Game Completion in Undead Nightmare.
Geschrieben: 20 Okt 2010 21:33


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New Undead Nightmare Screens & Details: Saving Towns from the Zombie Plague

Sweeping down the main street on horseback to fight back the virulent plague and save towns in Undead Nightmare.
Dealing with the zombie plague that's decimating the landscape and reawakening the hungry dead in next week's Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare means helping those that are still alive and fighting off zombies in many of the towns, outposts and settlements.
Providing survivors with ammo gives you additional support in helping to eradicate the undead menace.
To help save these towns from the zombie hordes, you'll need to find survivors and assist them in eradicating the zombies, both by supplying them with much needed ammunition, which can be found in ammunition chests scattered around town, and by taking to the rooftops to assist first hand in wiping out the attacking mobs of undead.
Continue taking out zombies and supplying ammo to survivors to fill the Town Safety meter.
A town's infection level is indicated by the number of circles displayed on the town defense meter. As you root out zombies and deliver ammunition to townsfolk the circles will begin to fill up. Once all the circles in the display are full, any remaining zombies in town will automatically be added to your map.
Taking on a fairly large infestation in Armadillo.
Once all the zombies in town have been hunted down and dealt with, the town will be considered "safe", and you can save your progress there as well as fast travel to other towns from that location. But beware, the undead threat is persistent - so towns will only remain safe for so long before coming under attack again. Additionally, if you ignore a town in peril for too long, survivors will slowly start dying.

Best of luck - and safe zombie huntin' come the 26th...
Geschrieben: 21 Okt 2010 12:49


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How to Clear Graveyards in Undead Nightmare

Marston cautiously approaches the graveyard at Coot's Chapel.
As part of his quest to repel the living dead uprising of the Undead Nightmare, John Marston will need to go straight to the source, the various graveyards of the world of Red Dead Redemption where these vile creatures have risen from.

Each of the graveyards in the Northern and Frontier territories has become overwhelmed by the undead menace, and you'll need to travel to each of these locations (Blackwater, Coot's Chapel, Odd Fellow's Rest and Tumbleweed) to eradicate the threat.

In order to cleanse these hallowed resting grounds and restore them to normal, you'll need to set fire to coffins strewn around each of the cemeteries in to draw them out. Then, prepare for a surging mass of undead looking to greet you with open arms - and jaws...

Check out some brand new screens below from the graveyards of Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare, which will be available simultaneously for download on PlayStation Network and Xbox LIVE next week on October 26th.
Here lies lied Mordecai Robbard.
Setting fire to a coffin to draw out the undead menace.
The church at Blackwater - soon to be teeming with the restless dead.
The welcoming commitee greets Marston at Odd Fellow's Rest.

Schöne Sache find ich!

Und heute Nacht ging auch das neue Update für Red Dead Online, das fügt die Trophies hinzu und außerdem kann muss man, wenn man den Einzelspieler startet schön wählen ob Red Dead Redemption oder Albtraum der Lebenden Toten. Allerdings kann man nur Red Dead Spielen im Moment! :D
Geschrieben: 21 Okt 2010 12:54


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Amaray Freak
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ich freu mich schon drauf! Viele DLCs pushen nur den Multiplayer, aber Rockstar weiß wie man auch die Story-Modes weiter ausbauen kann. GTA4 hat es vorgemacht und RDR folgt dem Beispiel! Sehr schön, weiter so Rockstar
Geschrieben: 21 Okt 2010 13:08


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Die bringen aber jetzt echt jeden Tag nen neuen Artikel. Wollen wohl heiß drauf machen - schaffen sie auch. :rofl:
Geschrieben: 21 Okt 2010 20:10


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Und ein neues Video zum Multiplayermodus "Undead Survival"

Da steigt die Spannung gleich noch weiter! Der Multiplayermodus ist herrlich! :D
Geschrieben: 22 Okt 2010 14:03


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Hintergrundbild gesucht?
Hier was von Undead Nightmare! :D



:rofl::rofl:Hat was
Geschrieben: 22 Okt 2010 17:34


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Das ist ja goil :D
Geschrieben: 22 Okt 2010 20:11


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New Screens and Details on Land Grab Mode – Coming to Multiplayer Free Roam as Part of Undead Nightmare
RedDeadDev5 attempts to stake his claim to McFarlane’s Ranch in Land Grab, the new Free Roam Multiplayer Mode that is included in Undead Nightmare.

In addition to the wild co-op zombie killing multiplayer experience of Undead Overrun (revealed in yesterday's video), also included as part of the Undead Nightmare Pack for Red Dead Redemption is Land Grab - a brand new Free Roam Multiplayer Mode. While not necessarily horror themed, Land Grab is an action-packed new Multiplayer mode where players fight for control over a section of land in one of seven different towns in the Red Dead Redemption online game world.
Preparing to initiate a game inside the Armadillo saloon.

To initiate this in Multiplayer Free Roam, visit any one of the seven distinct areas (Armadillo, Blackwater, Chuparosa, Escalera, Las Hermanas, MacFarlane’s Ranch and Thieves Landing) and find the post that says Land Grab. Once the post is activated, a countdown will begin and you will be given control over a radius of territory, displayed on the in-game map. In order to lay claim to the land, you must remain inside the predetermined radius, and defend against any oncoming enemies. Leaving at any time will surrender your claim, as will being killed by another player.
Posse up and trigger a Land Grab match from one of seven different locations, including Chuparosa.

Players can also lose control of their turf if another player is able to sneak into the area and activate the post again, therefore giving them command of the territory. While the land grab is active, players add to the XP pot awarded at the conclusion of the match by taking down other players. Posses are also supported in this new mode, allowing you to work together to protect the claim. Additionally, anytime a member of the land owner's posse is killed, a defender kill XP bonus is added to the pot.
RedDeadDev5 attempts to sneak in and usurp the claim while the current holder is distracted.

When time is up, the match ends and the XP pot is then divided between all players that held the land at any point during the match, with larger percentages going to the players that held it longest. A minimum of 3 people must be in a session to start a Land Grab, and this mode is only available in Normal and Hardcore Free modes. All players can participate in an active Land Grab, but only players that have the Undead Nightmare Pack can initiate a game.

Look for us online next week on Thursday and Friday when we'll be celebrating the release of Undead Nightmare with back to back multiplayer sessions in the Social Club Multiplayer Events Series playing plenty of both Undead Overrun and Land Grab on PSN and Xbox LIVE.
Geschrieben: 22 Okt 2010 21:19


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