Blu-ray Forum → Sondereditionen Blu−ray und 4K Ultra HD Blu−ray → SteelBook® → SteelBook® • International → USA • Kanada
Gestartet: Heute 18:41 - 2 Antworten
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Both Theatrical & Extended versions presented in 4K
resolution with Dolby Vision, restored from the original camera
English Dolby Atmos (for both versions) + English 5.1 (for both
versions) + English Mono (Theatrical version only)
Special Features:
40 Years of Stripes With Bill & Ivan – a
two-part on-camera reunion between star Bill Murray and director
Ivan Reitman, discussing their careers, memories from set, a
tribute to the cast, as well as a special guest appearance from
cinematographer Bill Butler
Theatrical Trailer
Both Theatrical & Extended versions presented in high
definition, sourced from the 4K masters
English 5.1 (for both versions) + English Mono (Theatrical
version only)
Special Features:
Commentary with Ivan Reitman and Dan Goldberg (Extended version
11 Additional Deleted & Extended Scenes
1983 TV Version of the film (in standard definition)
Deleted & Extended Scenes from the Extended version of the
Stars and Stripes Documentary
Blu-ray Forum → Sondereditionen Blu−ray und 4K Ultra HD Blu−ray → SteelBook® → SteelBook® • International → USA • Kanada