Blu-ray Forum → Sondereditionen Blu−ray und 4K Ultra HD Blu−ray → SteelBook® → SteelBook® • International → USA • Kanada

US/CA - Dune [2021] (4K+BD) - Best Buy exclusive (SteelBook)

Gestartet: 22 Nov 2021 15:50 - 3 Antworten

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Geschrieben: 22 Nov 2021 15:50


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Veröffentlichung: 11.01.2022

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Bildquelle: Best Buy

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Geschrieben: 22 Nov 2021 16:58


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Geschrieben: 22 Nov 2021 17:21


Avatar Vincent_vega84

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Bekommt dann sicher wieder ein glossy Finish und wir wieder nur matt :-/


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LG, Raffi
Letterboxd: VincentVega84

Geschrieben: 23 Jan 2022 21:46


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Info zu Packfehlern der 4k...
Digitalbits: Fehler +WB-Aktion

One last 4K note: Warner Bros. and Studio Distribution Services have issued a product replacement notification for their Dune 4K Steelbook release, some copies of which—as many of you are no doubt aware—were missing the actual discs in the packaging. Here’s the details:

“Studio Distribution Services has discovered a packing error that affects certain copies of the Dune Steelbook in the 4K format. The packing error has resulted in some of these products lacking discs and/or inserts. This title had a street date of January 11, 2022 for the SKU listed below.

Dune (Steelbook/Best Buy Exclusive/4KUHD + BD + DIGI)

This letter serves as a PRODUCT REPLACEMENT notice for any and all such affected product. Studio Distribution Services has taken immediate steps to identify and correct the root cause of this unintentional error. A replacement 4K product (non-Steelbook) will be provided to any affected consumers so that they can insert the replacement discs and/or insert into the Steelbook they have already purchased.

Should you experience consumer complaints for those who have purchased one of the impacted copies of the Dune Steelbook (4K), please direct them to e-mail, where they will be asked to provide their name, address, telephone number, and proof of purchase so that the replacement product can be provided at no cost to the consumer.”

So there you go. We’re also hearing that Best Buy customers can message @BestBuySupport on Twitter to get a refund. They allow you to keep the Steelbook case and then you can just buy the regular Dune 4K to get the actual discs.
Nettigkeiten sind ein Symptom. (Dr. House) 


4k- und Steeljunkie

Club der Steeljunkies
2 Kommentare:
von Corrigan am 23.01.2022 21:48:
Ups indeed
von chaos am 23.01.2022 22:30:
Ja... für Ovp-Sammler dürfte das... doof sein...

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