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Pro Evolution Soccer 2009

Gestartet: 15 Aug 2008 11:30 - 48 Antworten

Erleben Sie in PES 2009 eine überarbeitete Schuss-Mechanik sowie eine verbesserte KI, die das Gefühl den Ball zu kontrollieren noch realistischer macht. Apropos kontrollieren: Das in Japan ...
Geschrieben: 18 Aug 2008 20:30


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Schlechter als PES2008 wird auch schwer. Da hat Konami ordentlich ins Klo gegriffen. Online-Modus fürn Popo und das Geruckel macht es ja stellenweise unspielbar. Wenn es aber mal gerade nicht ruckelt, lässt es sich ordentlich spielen. FIFA08 hatte ich mal angetestet, aber das ist ein ganz anderes Spielgefühl - werde ich nicht grün mit.
Geschrieben: 18 Aug 2008 20:46


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Captain-Future78 ..trotz aller guten Vorsätze, bin ich zu selten hier!

also ich zocke PES seit der ersten Version auf dem PC.
Aber 08 war leider der absolute Reinfall! Wir (ein paar Freunde und ich) spielen immernoch PES6 online.
Ein Freund von mir arbeitet bei GameStop und er hat mir gestern bestätigt, das sie ab dem 15.10.08 PES9 da haben, bzw der Release-Termin laut deren Rechner ist.
Werde es mir aber wieder für den PC kaufen, weil es erstens anstatt 69Euro nur 44Euro kostet und die meisten Freunde von mir nur via PC zocken. Und mich interessiert eigentlich ausschliesslich der Online-Mod.


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Geschrieben: 18 Aug 2008 20:52


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Ich spiel seit 2005 die PES-Serie. Die PES08 hat sehr viele Schwächen, besonders der Onlinemodus. Hoffe das PES09 um einiges besser wird. FIFA08 ist grafisch und optisch besser, aber weniger Fussball.

"Alles, was ich habe auf dieser Welt, ist mein Wort und meine Eier, und die breche ich nicht; für niemanden, ist das klar?"
Geschrieben: 19 Aug 2008 13:27


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Ich versteh den ganzen Hipe um PES Soccer garnicht. Ich spiele normalerweise immer FIFA und UEFA SOccer. Neulich hat ein Freund mir PES 2008 Empfohlen. Nebenbei erwähnt für Xbox 360. Also bi nich los und hab mir das Game geholt. Naja Als ich die Scheibe dann endlich eingelegt hatte, kam schon die Enttäuschung. Keine Lizenz, die Kantenglättung schwächelte ein wenig und auch der Kommentator ist irgentwie voll auf den Kopf gefallen. Dies war sicherlich das letzte PES in meinem Leben.

Geschrieben: 19 Aug 2008 13:31


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Zitat von Dr.Lector
Keine Lizenz, die Kantenglättung schwächelte ein wenig und auch der Kommentator ist irgentwie voll auf den Kopf gefallen.

sorry aber das ist ein Kommentar wie man es von einem...

Zitat von Dr.Lector
Ich spiele normalerweise immer FIFA und UEFA SOccer

... erwartet. Die Spielmechanik erstmal außen vorgelassen. Oh scheiße Bayern heißt nicht Bayern, die Kanten flimmern. Spiel wird verkauft. Ich habe FIFA auch gemocht - mit 14 - danach ist mein Anspruch wohl etwas gestiegen.
Die Resonanz pro PES ist in meinem engen und erweiterten Freundeskreis übrigends bei 100% nach einigen ausgiebigen Session.

Geschrieben: 19 Aug 2008 15:32


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Ist in meinem Freundeskreis ähnlich. Alle haben früher (Playstation 1-Zeiten) auf FIFA geschworen. Schöne Arcadeaction. Mit der Zeit wurde es aber zu langweilig, mit einem Spieler übers ganze Feld zu dribbeln und ständig die selben Tore zu erzielen. Ein bisschen mehr Realismus musste her - die Pille mal in den eigenen Reihen laufen lassen, bis sich eine Lücke auftut. Das hab ich dann in PES4 gefunden. Seitdem bekommt mich kein FIFA mehr hinter dem Ofen hervor. Lizenzen sind immer das übliche Argument. Kann ich nicht verstehen - in Zeiten von zig Editor-Seiten mit ihren Patches und Option Files. Kommentatoren haben mich auch nie wirklich interessiert. Wichtig ist auf dem Platz. ;)

Konkurrenz belebt aber das Geschäft und so verbessern EA und Konami kontinuierlich ihr Produkt - mal besser, mal schlechter. Wer mehr auf Arcade steht, soll halt FIFA spielen und wer mehr auf Realismus steht, greift eben zu PES.
Geschrieben: 19 Aug 2008 21:01


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PES 2009 befindet sich jetzt in der Datenbank.
Geschrieben: 20 Aug 2008 12:16


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Hier ein Bericht zum ersten Demotest:

Thanks to ThomasGOAL for letting us know that Italian website have playtested the PES 2009 demo, to be showcased at Leipzig tomorrow. Also a huge thanks to dejavu76 from the Evo-Web forums who has provided us with a full translation.
Full preview from here:
Here is the translation courtesy of dejavu76
Following the PES2008’s experience we have to say that this year iteration is puzzling, in a positive way fortunately.
First thing to highlight is the game speed is slowed down a lot, no more super heroes but humans.
Also the passes are more realistic as they are now in control and allow an acceptable pace playing the game. When you are building your offensive approach passes results less on rails than in the past and you are called to be more careful as the ball can be intercepted easily now, this means that actions appear a lot more real.
Manual passing is there. They have reintroduced the manual pass by use of the right stick, allowing you to handle power and direction of your passes.
About controls keys, to be said that they have definitely given the possibility of customize every key of the pad, so that you can manage a different set of key for attack and defense.
About player stats, it has been removed the big differences between top players and others, now Messi and Ronaldo won’t be able to widely outclass any other player in athletics and technical skills. This can be a pro since there aren’t more unstoppable players but is to be seen if this can affect the depth of the gameplay. To be said that the test has been too short to issue a verdict in this sense.
After a few matches we noted as with a slower game speed the players has a different and more realistic way to react when you are in control of the ball or changing direction. So a big improvement on movement without ball and shooting.
Talking about shooting, we have to say that even though the system is simplified compared with full manual EURO 2008 shooting, there are now more chance to handle the direction of shots, and the shot seems to be more affected by position of the player than in PES2008.
What we have been really impressed from is the absence of “rails” as we have in PES2008. In PES 2009 the player is completely free to move without ball, giving you more opportunities in a lot of situations, intercepting a cross as well as freeing your striker.
A positive note is the ball is not more sticky to player’s foot. You can lose it by a untimely change of direction.
We prefer to not give an evaluation to AI because of the duration of our test. Anyway it’s seemed better on pressing than in defensive tactical positioning.
On the graphical side not so much to say: most important improvement are in facial textures of top players, and some new animations like “head’s stop and go” to be used on mid-air balls.
Player models looks very similar to which we have seen on PES08 with high quality texture that make a significant step forward on visuals.
Animations, in general, are very numerous but not so good as they are in FIFA08/EURO08 a they don’t appears so fluid as they are in previous iterations of PES, all PES.
Lighting, menus graphics and pitch textures are not affected by relevant upgrades and seems to be under industry standards.
Last note to mention a very stable graphic engine that allow the game running smoothly even in critical situations like 8-10 players on the screen at the same time.
Closing comments
We are quite satisfied from what we’ve seen compared with last year GC that was the lower in PES history.
Last year PES approach to next gen was painful so we have to be very careful now.
However we feel that developers want to restart by zero trying some new interesting issue into the gameplay.
But a few retouches won’t be enough as FIFA 09 promise to be a strong competitor this year.
Let’s the time decide who will win the duel.

Noch ein Test von irgendwelchen Schweden:
Huge thanks to Jumpman Junior, our translator for this preview. He took a lot of time to put this together so give him a shout out on the forums!
Not looking too positive from Level7, they seem frustrated with this year’s offering and don’t have many positives to comment on. We’ll have to hope Suff and Adam’s opinions differ!
For Level7’s review in Swedish go here:
Here is our translation courtesy of Jumpman Junior:
We have been playing PES 2009 for over 10 hours and will tell you everyting
we have learned
On last years PES-get-together for the press I talked to some really excited
european Konami employees. They expressed frustration about Konami Japan not
understood what was important for Europe and that they tried to get more
influence on that.
In 2008 they started to get some ideas realized. Like licenced menu music.
In 2009 there is a detail that says a lot about the PES series. There now is
much more licensed music, but instead of displaying the song and the artist
as we would find natural, they continue by displaying song title and genre
like rock, techno etc. Like that would be interesting to know. This way of
thinking we see in many other aspects in the PES 2009. Improvements, but
without any thought of how we would like to see it.
Repairs: backline:
Among the worst with PES 2008 was that the defenders all too often were
completely absent and ran around in cirkles which could lead to the
opponents got free passage to a goal chance. It is much better this year.
This is despite the fact that Seabass refused to recognize the problem.
Co-players are also significantly better at finding good spots this year and
if you press L1 before passing the reciever rush into position so you can
pass it to him.
It is also a bit more unusual for goalkeepers making big mistakes. But above
all the frame rate is much better than last years version wich was almost
Improvements: Ball physics
The biggest improvement is that the ball feels more alive. As the players
stretching more after the ball there will be more ”wild” balls. Some strech
out and just get a toe on the ball, and the ball change course. An attemt to
stand and block a pass becomes a real tunnel. Players tries but fails
completely to reach a ball. Shots only touches a player and change course
and in overcrowded areas anything can happen. Because of thi sit can more
caotic in the penalty area in stressed situations. Its probably gonna be a
while until you learn that it can be dangerous to have to many players in a
small spot.
There are many more lose balls.
In PES 2008 for PS3/360 the ball where often locked to the player. Its a
sensitive balance. We don’t want the ball to be a totally unique object like
in Sensible Soccer, but Konami did a good job in PES 2008 for PS2 on that.
Unfortunately it is not as good in PES 2009 but it is better that last for
NEW: Player control
An interresting new feature is that you can chose only to switch player by
pressing L1. With this setting you don’t get switched automaticly when a
player gets the ball. This means that you can let the CPU players pass the
ball around until you switch to one of them and pass the ball to a player
you ran in poistion with. Not that simpelt to get used to but definitely a
nice touch.
Another new feature is that you now can decide wich players you want to
control on the field. Mark an attacker, a left or right midfielder and a
defensive midfielder. Then when you switch players in the game you only
swich between those three players. That way you and up to six buddies (on
the PS3) split up the team between you if you like.
When it comes to tricks the technical players does those automatically just
by controlling these players normaly. Ronaldo for instance can do a
step-over trick when you change direction.
Better but not enough?
This is the impression I get: This is better than last version but not as
good as PES 2008 for PS2. In that game Konami made a game where the balance
between the free ball and the passing on field where totally depending on
the player. In Ps3 and 360 versions it happens to often that there are
stupid players and goalkeepers that causes goals to scored. The weird passes
is still there and at times it seems as they have increased. Either the the
direction of passing over-sensitive or else Konami did increase the fail
margin when passing, as the ball still tend to be passed random directions.
Not everytime at all, but still to often.
Become a Legend: the basics
Konami tries this year to copy Eas ”Be a Pro”. Play as a midfielder or an
attacker. Then choose a league or create your own woth the teams you want in
it. Now you are that player the whole time and you get to first play a test
match. You watch everyting from a somewhat zoomed in chase view in its then
about doing the best you can. To get more involved in the game you can call
for passes with two rapidly pressed R2. But unlike ”Be a Pro” they don’t
pass to you immediately. Instead they wait until they feel like they want to
pass wich means that the chance you saw is gone when you get the ball. Again
Konami shows they don’t give a shit about it should be easy and playable.
Become a Legend: in a bigger club
After the test match you get offers from different teams and you will choose
one of them. The bad thing is that you end up in a big club and you start
out being worse than every other player in the club. I choose to play for
Everton and get to play an intern test match agains the other team players.
Its not going to well even if I make great responsibility. I fail two
important passes and misses two goal chances I made. But still I get a 7.5
rating witch was the best on the team. To make a long story short I played
around 20 matches (aprox. 1800 minutes) got to play like in 10 matches and
almost never more than 15 minutes. The rest of that time I had to watch the
game from the bench. You can speed up the time in the match to 4x but it is
still like 5 minutes per match.
Become a Legend: A failed joke?
The sad thing is that when I get to play I almost every time get better
rating than my team mates and I make both goals and assists. After some
matches the other players in the team are totally out of energy and their
form arrows point downwards. I still donøt get to start in. It had been ok
if my player was developing but after 20 matches he has not advanced in any
attribute. The fact is that he didn’t even advance a half point in any.
Hopefully Konami forgot to tell that Become a Legend is not done yet and i
twill be fixed before release. Otherwise its a nothing but a failed joke.
Master League: as usual
Us Master League-fantasts is getting used to being ignored by Konami year
after year. The career mode has almost not developed the last 5 years and
its the same this year.. The only thing that has changed is negotiations
wich now happens over two steps. First with the club then with the player.
So first a transfer negotioation and then a salary and contract
negotiation.. Other than that nothing has happened and it is still as
frustrating as always.
Graphics and sound: better
Graphics has improved some. Players look better. The spectators as a bit
more alive. Framerate is much better. A lot of new animations. The menus at
least has a design this year. And facial expressions are more life like.
Even the sound, besides many songs that are ok at least, is improved. There
are also more fan songs from the arenas even if they get old after a while.
Online: Confusion
Choose name, favorite team, favorite player and a signature before going on
server hunt. Its divided up in British, German and some other variants. You
see where there is people and how many. Then you go to the lobby and find
players. I spend an hour getting started, but hopefully its not completely
ready yet and Konami forgot to say so.
In the menus I choose I want to play 2 vs 2 online. (in 2003 Seabass said in
an interview they could do 11 vs 11 online on the PS2) ans then there is
this Legend mode where each player can take hes own player and play on the
same team with 3 friends. Exactly how it works we have not been able to test
during the day.
Edit: the same
Its exactly the same as always. You can change team name and adjust players
in every aspect from looks to attributes. There is for instance 16 different
shoes (no custom made). About the same amount of settings as last year when
it comes to facial hair, hair, face models and other.. The face you can do a
whole lot to but hair and beards its still not good enough.
To setup dribbles and free kicks feels extremely pointless but the 71 goal
celebrations is just as fun as last year. You can import a picture from
Playsation Eye, but it doesnt seem to be improved from last year, and us who
has a beard can forget to get i ton the player.
Licences: fewer
The big news is that Konami seem to have lost the whole spanish league. They
have fake team names and false clothing. In England Liverpool and Man U. Is
confirmed but they are still named wrong in this version. Bayern München is
traded for Zenit St. Petersburg and in Scandinavia Helsingborg is out and
Brøndby is in. (Hammerby, AIJ, Rosenborg, Helsinki, IFK Göteborg og FCK is
still in. They have in other words not gained one licence without losing at
least one for it.
Other shot impressions:
Replays kan now be seen even after referee stopage.
Still 8 directions for running
To hold in X and SQUARE works extremely well for taking the ball from the
Just like in 2008 it happens to often that players are positioned wrong on
the field. A defensive midfielder at a offensive throw in for instance.
Online games require Konami ID – on the PS3 at least.
Infights can end in several ways.
Players still don’t know where the side lines are.
Players sometime stop for a second when missed a pass or lost a close fight
for the ball.
I must still check up on what match is next and what is on stake in it.
Conclusion: almost all the way
A lot has been improved from 2008 and besides watching from the bench in
Become a Legend I have had a lot of fun with PES 2009. It is significant
better than 2008 in many of the most important areas, but I still am i
littel dissapointed. This is what PES 2008 should have been like. I had
hoped for yet another big step. A step closer to the game feel as the PS2
version the year before, lots of licenses, less rigid animations on the
field. Smarter players and many other things. Instead Konami has focused on
new modes that hopefully didn’t work as intended in the build I was
testing. So: Really good, but just not the perfect game I had hoped for.

Wembley-Stadion ist diesmal dabei:

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced that it has secured an agreement to feature Wembley Stadium in its forthcoming PES 2009 title for PLAYSTATION®3, Xbox 360, PC-DVD, PlayStation®2 and PSP® (PlayStation®Portable).
The publisher has agreed a three-year deal with Wembley Stadium which will allow an accurately modeled version of the English national stadium to appear in PES 2009. The Tokyo-based development team has been given unrivalled access to Wembley’s schematics and has created a stunning in-game replica of the footballing landmark. It marks the first of a number of agreements which will see PES 2009 bolstered by a number of new officially licensed additions and key new gameplay features.
PES 2009 is the latest installment of the award-winning Pro Evolution Soccer Series, which is known by millions of fans for its intuitive gameplay and incredible realism. For PES 2009, Konami is set to announce a raft of new additions that will further bridge the gap between PES and the real thing. The new game has undergone a stunning graphical update to ensure its players look and move even more like their real-life counterparts. Similarly, all-new options allow users to tailor the game to their own tastes, while new moves, innovative new control elements and key online elements will further the realism of the new game.
“Wembley is synonymous with the game of football and is a sporting icon known the world over. and we are extremely proud to be featuring the stunning new stadium in PES 2009,” commented Jon Murphy, PES Project Leader for Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH. “It will be the perfect location to showcase the new aesthetics and stunning gameplay of PES 2009, and Japan has done an incredible job of recreating this amazing stadium for the new game.”
Tom Halsey, Wembley Stadium’s Head of Sponsorship, said: “We are delighted that the stadium will be featuring in PES 2009. Pro Evolution Soccer is one of the world’s leading football console games and it is fitting that the newly rebuilt home of football is an integral part of the new game’s design. The team has really captured the unique design of the stadium – it looks fantastic on screen.”





Quelle für alle Infos im Posting:
Geschrieben: 20 Aug 2008 14:56


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Hab damals auf der PS2 nur PES gezockt, mit Fifa konnte ich noch nie was anfangen! Von PES2008 war ich allerdings ein bisschen enttäusch, hin und wieder ruckler, die zuschauer im Stadion sahen mies aus, und vor allem war der Online Modus nicht ausgereift! Hoffentlich werden die Mängel im großem und ganzen bei der 2009 Fassung beseitigt. Dann werde ich mir PES09 auch kaufen, denn Vorgänger habe ich Gott sei dank nur ausgeliehen!

Richtige Fussball Fans legen großen Wert auf Realistisches Spielgefühl und da ist PES, Fifa deutlich überlegen. Lizenzen sind mir eigentlich nicht so wichtig, aber die Großen sind ja dabei, und außerdem gibts ja denn Editor.
Aber wie gesagt ich will Online zocken und da ist es Relativ wurst!

Hier gibt es noch ein Preview :

Geschrieben: 21 Aug 2008 10:03


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