Zur aktuellen Situation...
Infos von wxlinkswd@HDN
Just got the email,this release almost sold out in china,so we
decide cancel the GB on HDN.
we will list some left copies on Webstore,sorry again.
List time not change
Sorry for everyone
I know many people unhappy to see that we cancel this GB,but we
have no choice.
Because China FOX make Exclusive master disc for chinese
market,this disc come with chinese audio,so many chinese pople want
to get it,all copies sold out this morning in 5mins.
I hope everyone can understand we didnt sell huge quantity to the
scalper,usually they are not very interesting in WWA
We promise we will provide more copies for HDN members one the
future release.
Sorry again.
I dont think so,we are not agreed,if we want get
more money,we can add this release up to 1000 or 2000 copies.
but we didnt do that,we think the low print is the king for every
Please remember we will never make the huge quantity or 2-3
editions on Sliverlabel series(WWA steelbook),thats our
Lange Rede, kurzer Sinn...
Extrem kleine Stückzahl, die fast komplett in China verkauft wurde.
Die Sammelbestellung wurde daher gecancelt, wenige Restexemplare
wurden per Onlineshop früher als angekündigt verkauft....0% Chance
für internationale Kunden/Sammler.
Daher der Sh*tstorm auf HDN, der zum Schließen des Threads geführt
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