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[XM Studios] Der News und Info Thread

Gestartet: 09 Aug 2014 19:19 - 838 Antworten

Geschrieben: 30 März 2018 17:36


Avatar Brummbärchi

Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Freak
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XM Studios Europe News


"Dear Collectors and Friends,

beside Facebook and our Shop we share the XM Studios world on different places with you. You can follow us where you want it. Filled with a lot of pictures, albums and videos you can always find what you love. It´s a fresh year for collecting and many events are in front of us. We want to share it with all of you. Thank You for your time!


Social Media Channels:

XM Studios Europe - Shop
XM Studios Europe - Facebook
XM Studios Europe - Twitter
XM Studios Europe - tumblr
XM Studios Europe - google+
XM Studios Europe - Instagram
XM Studios Europe - Pinterest
XM Studios Europe - YouTube


XM Studios Shop - FAQ (English)

XM Studios Shop - FAQ (German)


We wish you all a nice weekend and Happy Easter!

Best Regards
Geschrieben: 02 Apr 2018 12:06


Avatar Brummbärchi

Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Freak
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XM Studios News

"Let's do this peeps! Always room for more holidays yo!"

XM Studios Facebook

XM Studios Europe Facebook

Geschrieben: 02 Apr 2018 12:40


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seit 13.05.2012
Bedankte sich 14 mal.
Erhielt 54 Danke für 37 Beiträge

Gibt es diese Ankündigung auch auf Deutsch?
Alles verstehe ich leider nicht.
Geschrieben: 04 Apr 2018 14:12


Avatar Brummbärchi

Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Freak
aktivitaet.png Aktivität:
XM Studios Europe News


"Dear Collectors and Friends,

today we are proud to announce the official Pre-Order for the XM Storm 1/4 scale statue here with us in europe on our homepage Storm goes online today at 19:00 o´clock (German Time Zone) and will be retailing at €990. The PO Period for her will be closed at 25.04.2018.

The XM Storm statue features 2 display options. Display her in a destructive mode calling on the powers of wind and tornedo to sweep her enemies away, or choose the alternate pose for a completely different mood where Ororo is seen in high spirits, relishing in her powers of flight and wind. This project was delayed as we wanted to find a way to create the cape to link to the hands for closer accuracy to the comics and we are happy to say, mission accomplished!

XM Storm will be retailing at €990 with an Made to Order (MTO) edition size. After orders taken within the 3 week period at our online store XM Studios will not produce anymore pieces so don't miss the chance to own Storm the goddess of weather and a key member of X-Men by XM Studios! Safe your Pre-Order today!"


Pre-Order Period for XM Storm : 04.04 - 25.04.2018.

XM Storm : Pre-Order - English
XM Storm : Pre-Order - German


FAQ - PO Period and MTO..

XM Studios : FAQ (English)
XM Studios : FAQ (German)


You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Storm Pre-Order.

Have a nice week!


XM Studios Facebook

XM Studios Europe Facebook

Geschrieben: 17 Apr 2018 18:45


Avatar Brummbärchi

Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Freak
aktivitaet.png Aktivität:
XM Studios Europe News

"Dear Collectors and Friends,

Dutch would say “What the hell are you?” and today we are proud to announce the new pricing for the XM Predator 1/3 statue here with us at GHeroes. We are very happy for you guys in europe and the XM Predator will be now retailing at €1999. Thank you.

The price includes any official duties that arise. Therefore, no additional costs are incurred for the customer inside europe except for a little shipping. You can find the XM Predator 1/3 statue on our homepage For our news we used the pictures from Kris Bales and James Tce from STGCC 2017.


XM Studios Shop - XM Predator.

XM Predator : Reservation - English

XM Predator : Reservation - German


FAQ - Reservation.

XM Studios Shop - FAQ (English)

XM Studios Shop - FAQ (German)


Next event will be the Asia Comic Con 2018 at 8th June.

Have a nice week!

Best Regards

Geschrieben: 25 Apr 2018 17:18


Avatar Brummbärchi

Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Freak
aktivitaet.png Aktivität:
XM Studios Europe News


"Dear Collectors and Friends,

today we are proud to have 2 announcements for our collectors. First we have the official Pre-Order for the XM Batgirl 1/4 scale statue here with us in europe on our homepage and second an new DC 10% discount system. Batgirl goes online today at 19:00 o´clock (German Time Zone) and will be retailing at €890. The PO Period for her will be closed at 16.05.2018.

The new DC 10% discount system works if you choose the full payment for an Pre-Order. Starting today with XM Batgirl and all upcoming articles of the DC Comics license.

XM Batgirl full payment 10% discount:
1. Original price 890,00 EUR
2. Discount 10% on full payment
3. New price 800,00 EUR


Inspired by the legendary assassins and decked in Bat armor design, Batgirl dynamically leaps into action to fight crime and injustice! Similar to XM's Batman Samurai, Batgirl comes with a vast array of switch outs so collectors can display Batgirl in various modes and moods. Cape or cool ninja scarf? More traditional portrait or a demon-inspired mask to instill more fear? You decide! She come with 4 head sculpts, Cyber Ninja Mask, Modern Batgirl full helmet mask, Classic Eye Mas, Oni-mask, 2 interchangeable right arms, 3 interchangeable left arms 1 Cape, 1 Ninja Scarf and an special Art print


XM Batgirl will be retailing at €890 with an Made to Order (MTO) edition size. After orders taken within the 3 week period at our online store XM Studios will not produce anymore pieces so don't miss the chance to own Batgirl the feisty female member of the Bat family by XM Studios! Safe your Pre-Order today!


Pre-Order Period for XM Batgirl : 25.04 - 16.05.2018.

XM Batgirl : Pre-Order - English
XM Batgirl : Pre-Order - German


FAQ - PO Period and MTO..

XM Studios Shop : FAQ (English)
XM Studios Shop : FAQ (German)


You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Batgirl Pre-Order.

Have a nice week!

Geschrieben: 07 Mai 2018 10:03


Avatar Brummbärchi

Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Freak
aktivitaet.png Aktivität:
XM Studios Europe News


"Dear Collectors and Friends,

today we are proud to announce the official Pre-Order for the XM Viking Thor 1/4 scale statue by Caleb Nefzen here with us in europe on our homepage Thor is now online for PreOrder and will be retailing at €1050. The PO Period for him will be closed at 06.07.2018.

For the XM Viking Thor we can offer you an 10% discount if you choose the full payment for the Pre-Order.

1. Original price 1050,00 EUR
2. Discount 10% on full payment
3. New price 945,00 EUR


XM Viking Thor will be retailing at €1050 with an Made to Order (MTO) edition size. After orders taken within the 2 month period at our online store XM Studios will not produce anymore pieces so don't miss the chance to own Viking Thor the strongest and most famous God in Norse Mythology by Calen Nefzen! Safe your Pre-Order today!


Pre-Order Period for XM Thor : 04.05 - 06.07.2018.

XM Viking Thor : Pre-Order - English
XM Viking Thor : Pre-Order - German


FAQ - PO Period and MTO..

XM Studios Shop : FAQ (English)
XM Studios Shop : FAQ (German)


You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Viking Thor by Caleb Nefzen Pre-Order. Please help us share this and rally more support for original work by Artists! The final colored piece will be done by the XM paint masters to match the crazy details Caleb has sculpted.

Have a nice start in the new week!

XM Studios Facebook

XM Studios Europe Facebook


SPOILER! Inhalt einblenden
Geschrieben: 09 Mai 2018 12:36


Avatar Brummbärchi

Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Freak
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XM Studios Europe News


"Dear Collectors and Friends,

today we are proud to announce the official Pre-Order for the XM Red Ranger 1/4 scale statue here with us in europe on our homepage The Power Ranger goes online today at 19:00 o´clock (German Time Zone) and will be retailing at €810 or €729 with full payment. The PO Period for him will be closed at 30.05.2018.

XM Red Ranger 10% discount full payment:
1. Original price 810,00 EUR
2. Discount 10% on full payment
3. New price 729,00 EUR


XM Red Ranger will be retailing at €810 with an Made to Order (MTO) edition size. After orders taken within the 3 week period at our online store XM Studios will not produce anymore pieces so don't miss the chance to own the iconic team leader of the Power Rangers, Red Ranger by XM Studios! Safe your Pre-Order today!


Pre-Order Period for XM Red Ranger : 09.05 - 30.05.2018.

XM Red Ranger : Pre-Order - English
XM Red Ranger : Pre-Order - German


FAQ - PO Period and MTO..

XM Studios Shop : FAQ (English)
XM Studios Shop : FAQ (German)


You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Red Ranger Pre-Order.

Have a nice week!


XM Studios Facebook

XM Studios Europe Facebook


SPOILER! Inhalt einblenden
Geschrieben: 06 Juni 2018 16:57


Avatar Brummbärchi

Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Freak
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XM Studios News

"We have some updates on XM's new "Version A" and "Version B" for XM Professor X and XM Cyclops as well the 2018 XM Exclusive Marvel Statue.

As many know, space and money are 2 major concerns of collecting so we're providing options to better fit the needs of collectors. Professor X
was originally designed to ship with both the classic wheel chair and the hover chair in a single box but doing so means larger shipping costs. In
addition, collectors end up paying for 2 display options however in reality they can only display 1 configuration (the other chair is kept in the box
since there is only 1 body). To address that, XM will release 2 versions of Professor X, Version A is the smaller foot print option, with the Classic
Wheel Chair (more affordable than the larger Hover Wheelchair B version).

Similarly for Cyclops, Version A features the more standard shooting forward pose (1 torso only), which we believe to be more popular configuration.
Version B will include an ADDITIONAL upper switch out torso with Cyclops shooting his optic blast towards the sky for those who also want to have
this display option. This way, Collectors who only want the standard shoot forward pose do not have to pay for the additional upper torso. Traditionally,
we would have released just the B version but providing the A Version will help collectors who just specifically want 1 set up at a lower cost.

Ultimately, it's about providing more options at different price points so you can collect what you prefer.

The 2018's XM Exclusive Marvel piece will be the smooth charmer, Gambit, following in the tradition of previous hot favorites XM exclusives like Cable
and Ghost Rider. XM Exclusives means only XM will sell these pieces at conventions and directly on our website and walk-ins. Distributors will not be
carrying these products so it will harder to acquire."

XM Studios Facebook

XM Studios Europe Facebook






Geschrieben: 19 Juni 2018 12:26


Avatar Brummbärchi

Movieprops Collector
Blu-ray Freak
aktivitaet.png Aktivität:
XM Studios Europe News

"Dear Collectors and Friends,

today we are proud to announce the official Pre-Order for the XM Bane 1/4 scale statue here with us in europe on our homepage The massive villain goes online 20.06.2018 at 19:00 o´clock (German Time Zone) and will be retailing at €1120 or €1008 with full payment. The PO Period for him will be closed at 11.07.2018.

XM Bane 10% discount full payment:
1. Original price 1120,00 EUR
2. Discount 10% on full payment
3. New price 1008,00 EUR


XM Bane will be retailing at €1120 with an Made to Order (MTO) edition size. After orders taken within the 3 week period at our online store XM Studios will not produce anymore pieces so don't miss the chance to own the super villain known for breaking Batman's back by XM Studios! Safe your Pre-Order today!


Pre-Order Period for XM Bane : 20.06 - 11.07.20188.

XM Bane : Pre-Order - English
XM Bane : Pre-Order - German


FAQ - PO Period and MTO.

XM Studios Shop : FAQ (English)
XM Studios Shop : FAQ (German)


You’ll receive an email with all further information after you secured one of the XM Bane Pre-Order.

Have a nice week!


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